Chapter 3: Tears of Rain

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Juvia walked to a tall old building. It was beautiful, like a church but not. She walked through the gorgeously decorated halls up the stairs to a large room. There was a warm fireplace and sitting in the corner was a pink female exceed (talking flying cat). "I'll go get you a dry set of clothes" said Corane. Juvia sat in front of the fireplace, the pink exceed walked towards her.

"Hello i'm, Roselle. And you are," "J-Juvia Lockster. "That's a pretty name!" said Roselle. Juvia smiled. "Thank you!" Corane walked in with the clothes. "Here you go" said Corane. Juvia changed into a light blue dress that ended at her knee. It was frilly at the ends, and to complete the outfit she had a pink hat and blue flats(HAHA THAT SOMEWHAT RTYMES).

"Mother, how did you stop the rain?" Juvia asked. "How? Why I was happy to see you." 'Juvia remembers, when Juvia first met Gray, the skies cleared! Happiness! Happiness is how you stop the rai-' "Juvia" said her mother as she interrupted her thoughts. "Never be ashamed of the rain you create. Don't wait for the storm to pass, dance in the rain" Juvia smiled, "Thank you, Mother."

"Juvia take a walk outside," said Corane. "H-huh?" "Trust me it'll help you feel better" "Well okay" said Juvia. She walked downstairs out the door...

"If you really don't like her tell her she's wasting her time, and her heart." Erza said as she requipped a sword and pointed it at Grays neck. The guild was completely silent. "ERZA! THIS DOESN'T CONCERN YOU! DON'T GET ANGRY AT ME BECAUSE OF YOUR TWISTED RELATIONSHIPS!" Erza unequipped her sword. Staring wide eyed. "I see, Gray

Fullbuster" She walked out the guild. I't was still silent.

Gray froze,(no pun intended😅) 'What did I just do?' Gray thought. He got up and ran threw the the guild hall doors. "Erza wait!" Gray yelled. But Erza was no where to be found. He decided to just wander around the city and think over what she said, and what HE said. "SHE LOVES YOU!" Erza's outburst kept replaying in his mind.

Then again it explains all that 'Gray-sama!' crap. So it wasn't just a stupid bet out of boredom. All the pieces started to fit together. 'What happened if I lost again?' Gray was thinking hard trying to remember what it was. 'Oh, she wanted to go on a date with me, when I wanted to avoid her.' There it was, he hurt her a whole lot more than he thought.

It started to rain. Great. Gray saw something familiar a distance away. A light pink umbrella with hot pink hearts. Juvia's umbrella. Something in the back of Grays mind said 'go on, pick it up!' He gently picked the umbrella up.

He walked for another 10 minutes or so. Suddenly some one ran into him. "Oh, um i'm sorry I-" he was face to face with Juvia Lockster.

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