No Escape

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Greyness darkens all,
we must escape this
claustrophobic space;
the air is rancid, laced
with God knows what;
slime covers the floor,
the walls ooze putrid
sludge, and polluted air
fills our lungs and coats
our clothing thick.

Our bodies sluggish,
the young no less
than the very old;
the mind is foggy,
slowing our decisions
and this delays us more.
I'm weak, we're weak,
I'm starved for food,
and so are you,
though I troubled not
to understand,
maybe it was so,
maybe I refused to know;
I didn't believe,
I didn't believe in you.

Unlock the door,
isn't there another place
beyond these walls
where we all can go,
and begin again?
You say there's no escape.
Help me open that door,
I can't do it alone.
With difficulty I pull,
I pull and pull,
but I'm wheezing
and weak,
I cling to life.

Help me with this door!
We're frantic now.
Together we pull,
we pull and pull,
together we can
open the door.
It's open a crack,
but what's this,
I recoil back,
as it opens wider,
there's nothing there,
only darkness greater
than before.

~ gtk

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