See the beauty in every day

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For Randy


Today you said you felt the sun across your face,
As breeze, so gentle, applied its balm.
You said it such that it foreshadowed much,
A calm breeze before the storm that took your life;
Please breeze gently apply again your balm.

* * *

We trust the night each time we lay our head,
The darkness hiding all the fearful things;
But still, they exist to wound the one's we love;
To pierce our bodies, and souls as well,
And take the kind and unkind alike.

Life can deal a crushing blow!
When a wind gusts through a timber row,
For a treacherous tree does not act alone.
Oh! This conspiracy cannot be Mother Nature's wish,
As dark heavy shape comes crashing down
To squish the life from you who cared the most
That stands remain to grow and prosper
And share their beauty with those to follow.

* * *

I heard you as you held my hand and said to me:
"See the stars shining in the evening sky,
See a meteor shower flash by and by beyond
The dark moving shapes that sway above;
Hear the ripples of tiny waves touch the shore,
Remember the day, and steady pull of oar;
Feel the refreshing coolness of the splash of spray;
Still hold my hand, and we'll journey free."

* * *

"Before we part, remember to
Walk with me across the meadows,
Paddle with me across the lakes,
Climb with me to the mountain tops,
Look for the beauty everyday;

See me in the leaves of grass,
Feel me when the wind blows soft,
Hear me in our daughters' words,
I know you love me for all I'm worth
And see the beauty in every day."

* * *

She came to take you home to her
And never share you with mortals more;
Spread your dust and sustain the soil
As we gnash our hands and wonder why
The best of us is gone too soon;
We feel your presence is nearby
As we walk beneath the prairie sky
The wind blows gently to apply it's balm
As we see the beauty in the day.


[We lost Randy in August to a bizarre event near Banff when in the night a tree fell because of wind. He was a great husband, father, and family man, a friend, and loved the outdoors. He is missed.]

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