The Victory

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"What" Barry says and stands there stunned.

"Zoom has Joe, th-they forced Zoom back to Earth-2, but he abducted Joe" Wally says franticly getting very emotional. He looks to the side and opens the pipeline. I step out behind Barry and he puts his hand on Wally's shoulder. 

"I'll get him back, I promise" Barry says as he runs out. I stand there and look at a terrified Wally who was just thrown into a crazy world. He looks over to me and I see fear in his eyes. 

"I'm going to take you to my house. You'll be safer there" I say and he just looks at me. "I'll give you a com so you can hear everything going on". He reluctantly agrees and I drive him to my house. 

"Welcome back Juno, who is your guest?" Cortona asks as we enter the house. 

"Wally West" I say and Wally is just looking around for where the voice is coming from. "Artificial Intelligence" I say and he looks over to me. "Perks of being a high level agent of what was SHEILD" I say and he just looks around with a shocked expression plastered onto his face. I walk past the kitchen and motion towards it "have whatever you want". I walk to the door to the basement and walk down. "Wally!" I yell from the basement as I load up the computers. He walks down the stairs with huge eyes looking at all the equipment, my suits and the high tech computer. "You'll be able to hear everything on the coms down here. I just set it up for you, and if you can't figure something out just ask Cortona" I say and pick which suit to wear. 

"How do I ask Cortona a question?" Wally asks and I laugh.

"Like you would ask anyone a question" I say and grab my suit with the hood. 

"Cortona where is the washroom?" Wally asks and I walk over to my weapons and pick some out. 

"The washroom is upstairs down the hall two doors to the left" she answers and Wally smiles.


"Okay I am going to get change then go help everyone out. Don't leave unless we tell you too. Be smart" I say and run up the stairs.

* * *

I meet up with team Flash in the cortex at STAR labs everyones faces are set in frowns. I stand beside Barry as we talk as a team about what is about to happen. None of them are excited about it, but we all understand that this is how it has to be. We grab gear and set up where Zoom has set up his dome's day device. My job is to protect the team worst comes to worst, and to help if I can at all. Barry says his goodbyes as he prepares to fight for the multiverse. He comes to me last and holds my face in his hands and simply looks into my eyes. 

"I love you so much Juno. I hope you know that" he says quietly.

"Of course I know that, I love you too" I say.

"You're one of the one people I have left, so don't do anything stupid" Barry says as my eyes start to water.

"Says you" I scoff but am silence by Barry pulling into a kiss. He kisses like he doesn't who's watching, and I do the same. He pulls away too quickly of my liking and winks at me.

"Don't worry that won't be the last" He says and runs off to meet Zoom. I look back to the group not even embarrassed, but frown when I see Wally.

"I wasn't going to sit this one out" He says and I nod knowing there is nothing I can do now. Suddenly the blue and orange lighting streaks are running around what looks like a huge hamster wheel. All we can do is watch as this killing machine is slowly powered by both speedsters energy. All of the sudden there are two orange streaks on either side of the blue.

"What" I say confused. 

"He's created a time remnant" Cisco and Harry say at the same time. We watch are one comes to us with Joe and quickly runs back. 

"Dad!" Wally yells as he hugs Joe. We continue to watch as one of the Barrys breaks off and starts to fight Zoom. The other continues to run around the base of the machine. 

"What is the time remnant doing?" Caitlin asks as we watch the scene unfold. 

"He's creating his own pulse" Cisco says.

"Why would he do that?" Jessie asks confused.

"Because if that's out of phase it will counter act the other one" Harrys explains and points to the base.

"His body can't handle that" Caitlin says and I realize what going to happen.

"What will happen?" Jessie asks.

"He'll die" Harry says. Even though that's not the "real" Barry my heart still aches at the though of him dying. We watch as the time remnant starts to turn to fire and destroys the plus that was forming. I turn as I hear someone yell, Barry is standing over Zoom poised to kill him. I hold my breath knowing that Barry won't be able to kill him, but that's the only way to stop this. Barry for some reason backs away and I start and energy field around us. We watch as two time wraiths come out of the speedforce and and attack Zoom. His face starts to disintegrate and he's pulled away by the wraiths. I let out my breath and lower the energy field. Barry runs over and pulls me into a hug.

"It's over" he says and I smile.

* * * 

We are all at the West house celebrating our win. We have dinner and play games, but I see Barry is struggling with something. I watch as he walks out the back door, I get up and follow him. I open the door and see him leaning against the balcony. 

"What's wrong?" I ask and stand beside him. 

"I lost my mother, and now my father" he says quietly, I wrap an arm around him and lean on his shoulder. 

"It will hurt for a while" I say speaking from experience. "It will fade and reappear at different times in your life. You can't dwell too long on it though or it will slowly drive you crazy. I know your dad would want you to continue to protect this city and the people you love. He wouldn't want you seeking revenge and you didn't. You won't go through this time alone you have me and the rest of the team behind you to support you" I kiss his cheek and he smiles sadly. 

"You must be even braver than I think you to be if you went through loosing both your parents at the same time" He says and looks out into the night and I laugh a little.

"I wasn't always this brave, it comes with time and experience. I was terrified at first that I had to live in the same building where the people who killed my parents slept. I eventually used that fear to fuel my training, making myself as invincible as I could so I could defend myself. The training turned my into an assassin and I could help eliminate threats before other families where broken apart" I say and take a deep breath in then out. Barry turns towards me and smiles, this time out of hope.

"Thank you" he says "I needed this encouragement because I was debating going back to save my mom. I don't think she, or my father would want me to leave this" He says and kisses me like there is no tomorrow. 


Okay last chapter DONE!!! I really hope you guys liked it, cause I loved writing it. I know some of you might be mad because I am not going to exactly follow the tv series, but I won't totally abandon it!!! I am thinking Savitar will still be the main villain, but I am hopefully going to have more marvel in the next book. It will be called "WORLDS FUSE". Love you all lots and thanks for being such awesome, loyal readers.

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