Late night run

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There's an hour left before I am leave work and I'm almost done my report. I hear heels and look up to see Patty coming over. I give her a genuine smile as she walks up.

"How's a going?" I ask.

"Nothing much, I fought my first meta I didn't really do much though" she says with a smile. I raise my hand and she give it a solid high five. "It was late last night when I was leaving and the Flash was being held by a huge shark"
My eyes go wide. Why hasn't Barry mentioned anything about it. "Anyways I need to ask you something important" she says seriously.


"Okay well I wasn't the one who saved him. Someone came up with a special gun and shot the shark. When I saw who it was I couldn't believe it. Please don't let this get out. I trust you" I nod my head and she finishes off. "It was Harrison Wells" I only barely stop myself from dropping my mug on my computer.

* * *

I walk into the Cortex and no one seems to notice. They're in the middle of a heated conversation and I see Harrison Wells in the middle.

"So who's going to tell me about the giant shark and Earth 2 Wells?" I ask loudly specifically looking at Barry. He looks down and so does everyone else except Iris and Earth 2 Wells. "Guess I never got the memo I was off the team" I say and turn on my heels. I know I have a temper, but it's saved me multiple times, and old habits die hard.

I clench my hands into fists over an over again to stop my from going ballistic. As I step out side I yell. I let go of control and my eyes turn blue and energy swirls around them. I see a scarp of metal from the wormhole and focus on that. I pull my hands together as a large metal pole bends like a toothpick. I cure it into a perfect circle and drop it in the middle of the parking lot. Feeling only slightly better, I hop on my motorcycle and ride home.

As I walk into my house I slam the door.

"You have an unopened message from Amber Hall" Cortona says in her side voice.

"Yeah yeah" I grumble and walk down stairs. I open my state of the art computer and open her message.

"This will be permanently deleted after it is finished" Amber says and her face looks a little pale. "I am being sent to Washington DC for a special operation. They said it's going to help us fight wars that haven't started. I'm scared Juno, it seems weird that right after you told my about something being off I'm leaving. Anyways I'll try to keep you posted" and with that any trace of her message is gone.

I rub my forehead. I feel like I have no one. I turn off the computers and decide to go for a nice long run.

* * *

About an hours or so into my run I stop in the park my the ocean. It's dark so there is no one else there. I put my hand into the water and let the freezing cold relax me. I then go all in and trudge through the shallows until the water reaches just above my hips. I dunk my head under and feel calm. The cold reminds me of past missions and my horrible childhood, but it's oddly comforting. I stay there for 5 minute before my toes start to go numb. I slowly get out and ring out my hair. I continue to run back to my house and sadly the fastest way takes me past S. T. A. R. Labs. I am shivering like crazy though and frankly don't care.

As I'm running past I see a figure step
out. It's Cisco and unfortunately he sees me.

"Juno?" He yells.

"Y-y-ya" I say my teeth chattering.

"What did you do? Jump into the ocean?" He asks worried. I nod and he wraps his jacket around me. Cisco is probably my best friend and it's hard to stay mad at him. I sit in the passenger seat of his car as he turns the heat on. I smile.

"Thanks C-Cisco" I say starting to warm up. He looks sad as he starts the car.

"Juno, I tried to convince Barry to phone you, but Iris kept talking to him. I was going to, but I didn't want to upset Barry" Cisco says his frown deepening.

"What's wrong Cisco" I ask quietly.

"I don't know I feel bad not calling you now. I don't know why I did" I hug him as he parks in my drive way. I smile and Cisco looks confused.

"You've never been in my house ever" I say.

"No I haven't" he says confused.

"Come on in" I say and hop out of the car. I open the door and Cisco walks in right behind me.

"Hello Ms. Kestrel who is with you" Cortona asks as we step into the entrance way.

"Cisco Ramon" I say as Cortona registers him. I look over to him and his eyes are big. I laugh as he looks around the room. 

"You have and A. I" he asks.

"Yes, Cortona helps me with security and S. H. E. I. L. D business" I say and run into my room. "Wait here let me get changed.

I walk out of my room in a pair of yoga pants and a cozy sweater. Cisco is looking at my alarm system. What a surprise.

"This technology is amazing. I knew S. H. E. I. L. D. was advanced but woah" he says with a whistle.

"You haven't even seen the best" I say and walk over the basement door. I scan my eyes and Cisco just watched. The door clicks open and I walk down the stairs. I walk strait to the computer and boot it up. He walks over to my suits and points at the one he made.

"You must have an awesome designer" he says and I laugh.

"The best of the best" I say. Just then the compute beeps and Cisco walks over. He puts his hands on either side of the screen and looks at me his jaw dropping.

"This. Is. Amazing" he says and starts typing. "I don't think you need this computer. I'll gladly take it off your hands" he says with a smile.

Cisco has been playing with the tech and asking questions for an hour before were interrupted.

"Incoming call from Amber Hall" Cortona says. I push Cisco's chair out of the field of view and press answer. Immediately Amber is in front of my as a hologram. Cisco covers his mouth and I shush him.

"Secure connection" Amber says. I type in a few phrases into my computer.

"Connection secured" I reply and Amber relaxes.

"How's Washington?" I ask.

"I don't have a tone of time, but it's not good" Amber says and rubs her forehead. "Project Insight is what I've been assigned too, and it's bad. They're making huge helicarriers that are going to 'take out threats before they are a threat'. THEY ARE GOING TO KILL PEOPLE WHO HAVEN'T DONE ANYTHING WRONG YET" she yells.

"Calm down Amber" I say and she looks at me. "I'm sorry, but I'm not going to tell you everything's alright. We have to stop this" I say and I see Cisco nod out of the corner of my eye.

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