Back to Work

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I wake up early as usual and pull on some leggings and tight long sleeve running top that I found in my boxes of stuff. I still haven't been relocated, buts Barry's letting me keep my stuff at his place. I put on my headphones and shuffle my workout playlist. Beg for it by Iggy Azalia feat. MØ came on first which matched my mood perfectly. I ran hard and it helped my zone out. My mind started to wander though. What else can I do with my powers? When can I fight crime. Will Cisco give me an awesome name (that is obviously the most important)? Will I be stable and able to control my powers? Will I hurt anyone I love or someone innocent?

Thankfully I came back to Barry's house before I could think too much about all the questions I have. I let myself in and walked upstairs to my room. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans, and a tight white tank top. After a quick shower I put on my black blazer and heeled boots. I am just about to leave as Barry's right in front of me.

"Woah got a don't-mess-with-me vibe going on here" he says with a smirk. I raise and eyebrow.

"Yes and you are doing to exact opposite of that" I say. Barry frowns and pulls me into a hug. I tense and he lets go quickly.

"Are you okay Juno" he asks confused.

"I just need some time" I say and walk out the door.

* * *

I walk into the CCPD with a straight face and sunglasses on. As I walk through the door all eyes are on me. The Captain comes out with a raised eyebrow.

"Nice to see you back Ms. Juno" he says slowly. I take off my sunglasses and smile.

"Good to be back" I say and follow him to his office. As he I close the door he turns to face me with a straight face.

"So where have you been for  7 months miss Juno" the Captain ask suspiciously.

"I'm sorry, but you don't have clearance" I say as I sit down. He glares at me clearly not happy with my answer.

"As much as I hate being kept in the dark I'm glad you back from whatever it was you where doing" he says and I am a little stunned.

"We created a meta-human task force and I want you to help train them" he says and holds out a folder. I take the folder and flip through some pages.

"Cisco Ramon is helping to build the tech?" I ask excited.

"Yes he is, that kid is always asking me if he can get a badge" he says and shakes his head. I stand up and shake his hand.

"When do I start?"

"Now, go help out Joe he's the leader of the team" he says and aves his hand at the door. I close the door behind me and as I rein around I bump into someone.

"Sorry" I say and look up to see who it is.

"Juno?" Cisco says and grabs my shoulders.

"Yes the one and only" I say with a laugh. We hug each other and walk over to Joe together.

"Are you okay I haven't seen you since you woke up and only barely then cause Barry kicked me out" he says with a pout. My smile drops as I look at the ground.

"Meet me at S. T. A. R labs at 8" is all I can to say to him here. He nods and we meet Joe.

"Well if it isn't Juno Kestrel" Joe says and pulls me into a hug. "Where have you been? Barry has been going a little crazy without you". I give him an innocent smile. I feel bad that Barry was so worried about me and about the way I left for work this morning.

"Top secret, sorry" I say and Joe shrugs it off.

"All that matters is that your back, I need your help"

* * *

For the rest of the day I helped educate and train a hand full of people for the task force. It went well over all and they seemed to understand what I was saying.

After I left work I went to S. T. A. R labs. I was to meet Cisco and Caitlin (who I had called before I left work) in the Cortex. I felt like I needed to tell them and to apologize for Barry kicking them out.

Caitlin series on time in a Mercury lab coat. I guess she must have gotten a job there after the team fell apart. As she walked in I have her a quick hug and asked about what happened to the team.

"After the worm hole was stopped and the city saved Barry felt like it was his fault that Eddie and-" he closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "And Ronnie died that day, but they both chose to do what they did. They new the consequences. We tried to help Barry, but with all of that and you in a coma he was really hard on himself. He pushed us all away and said it was because he didn't want anyone else he cares for to get hurt" I sigh and rub my forehead. Cisco had walked in part way through that and his face had a small frown on it.

"Okay" I say and stand up "I am going to tell you guys what happened after I woke up, but you have to promise me you will keep it a secret" they nod and I trust them with my life, so I continue. "After I woke up I went to the washroom and was so overwhelmed and when I looked in the mirror the soap bar was floating" I could tell by their faces they new what was coming. " I ran out and told Barry what happening, but my emotions where all over the place and I was so scared I accidentally started to choke Barry. I ran out and took a flight to D. C. to report this to the director. I was assessed and Barry eventually came over to help me train a bit. It's still hard to control though" I say and look up to their faces. Caitlin came up and gives me a hug.

"Can I run some tests?" she asks quietly and I nod. I go and sit in the med bed and Cisco follows too.

"Can you show us what you do?" Cisco ask and I see he is excited. I stretch out my hand toward him and focus. He scream when he realizes he isn't touching the ground.

"Okay okay out me down" he says and I laugh. His eyes are big as I let him down. "THAT WAS AWESOME!" he yells and goes over to the cortex and out the door but not before saying, "you will need a new suit".


Hopped you guys liked it, sorry updates are taking longer. I try my best to update whenever I can.

Also Worlds Collide has 4K view!!! I AM SO HAPPY!! Thank you guys!

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