Teaming up, hopefully

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I stare at the door for a 5 minutes after Barry leaves. I final bring myself to turn around to Amber. She hugs me again.

"Okay I'm going to leave my stuff here and get going after I make you a fake passport" I say and walk past her to the second room. I open the door and throw my bag onto the bed.

After making a fake passport for Amber  I finally step out of my room. I then smell something delicious. I know exactly what's happening. Amber is stress cooking. I smile as I walk into the small kitchen and sit at the bar.

"Is the homemade macaroni and cheese" I ask getting really excited.

"You bet it is" she says and hands my a bowl. I am proud of her for trying to stay positive. I devour the bowl of noodles and go for seconds.

"I made you a fake passport that you can need of you need to leave the country" I say in between bites. She nods and sits beside me.

"So how are you going to find Rogers and Romanoff" Amber asks. I shrug and finish my macaroni.

"I got my sources, and I am pretty good a predicting what Natasha will do. We're practically the same in our training and survival skills" I put the bowl in the dishwasher and walk to my room. "I will be gone first thing tomorrow morning" I say as I shut the door.

* * *

I wake up at 7:00am and roll out of bed with barely any sleep. I put on a blond curly wig trying to cover up my dark hair. I then pull on a pair of black leggings, a black tank top,
put on a baggy hoodie that says Canada across the chest. It's baggy enough for me to hide a pistol in my waist and I have two knifes in my sports bra and two more hidden within my legging side pockets. I then put on a Blue Jays baseball cap and a pair of huge sunglasses in top my my hat to finish the look. I walk out of my room and brig my bag with me. I go to the kitchen and file a bowl with cereal. I munch quietly until Amber comes in.

"Okay" I say taking a pause from eating. I pull out 5,000$ American and her fake passport.

"If you don't feel safe or your being chased this should be enough to get you hidden" I say and take another spoonful of cereal. I run back to my room and grab a backpack from the closet. I stuff anything I will need in there. My suit, all my passports and foreign money and my burner phone. I put my bowl in the sink and turn to Amber.

"Be safe" is all I saw and give her a hug. I then put on my sunglasses.

"Be careful" she says quietly. I get into my character.

"Ya of course girl I am total careful all the time" I say with a smile and walk out the door.

I walk out of the alley and look both ways before going across the street. I take my phone out every once in a while to pretend to be taking selfies at touristy places. I don't bring attention to my self and talk to no one.

By mid day I make it to a pub with no windows and dim lighting. I walk in and get some weird looks, but eventually they all get back to whatever they where doing before. I take off my sunglasses and walk up to the bar beside a pretty muscular middle aged man with black hair and many tattoos. I smile at him as I sit down.

"Oh I'll just have a water please" I say to the server. He nods as I turn to the man beside me.

"So how is Betty doing after her fall" I say as the server gives me a glass of water. The man looks at me slightly confused.

"Not what I was expecting" he mumbles but goes quiet as I slide him 2k under the table top. I take a sip of my water and her clears his throat.

"He just escaped SHEILD headquarters. Don't know where he is now though, probably hiding. I saw him talking to the other dude though. His name Sam Wilson. That's all I got lady" he says and finishes his drink.

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