The Experiment

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I walk into to cortex and the mood is heavy. Last night before Zoom left he kidnapped Wally demanding Barry's speed. Then Jessy decided to run off to who knows where because of a fight with her dad. What a great time to be on team Flash. I sit down in my chair and look absently at the black computer screen in front of me.

"I'm going to do it" Barry says as he stands in front of all of us. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. Joe walks up to him and gives him a hug.

"Are you sure Barry?" He asks and Barry nods.

"I have to. This is my fault" Barry says. I look at him and cross my arms.

"You know that's not true Barry. It's not your fault there is a psychotic maniac out to kill you" I say and stand up. I walk over to him and put my hands on his shoulders, he looks up at me with sadness in his eyes. I run my thumbs along his cheek bones and he sighs.

"Let's get over with it" Barry says and breaks away from my touch. He speeds out of the cortex and he is back in a second with Zoom.

"We know who you are, take off the mask" Cisco says with anger in his voice. Zoom slowly pulls off the mask and reveals the face of an old friend. I roll my eyes at his smug expression.

"Let's do this before I strangle him" I mumble and Jay looks at me.

"Out of everyone here I know the least about you. You didn't trust me like everyone else here did. What set you
off are do you trust no one?" He asks me and I glare at him.

"A little of both. I don't trust people until they show me trust and you alway seemed like you didn't actually my trust. I also have a very good sense of people character, and boy oh boy is your the most disgusting one I have ever met and I've met a lot of nasty people" I say my blood heating up.

"You have managed to show me only a fraction of what you can do"

"I'll gladly show you the full extend of my powers" I say as my hand are engulfed in blue energy. Then Barry puts his arm across my chest and gives me a warning look. I unwillingly stay stationary and the blue energy seeps back into my veins.

"I'm going" Barry says and walks onto the treadmill. He runs at full speed and I watch helplessly as the speed force drains from his body into a small vial. Barry starts to slow down until he stops and collapses onto the floor.

"Barry" I yell and run into the room.

"I'm okay" he says and pushes him self off the ground.

I hear a bone-chilling scream and look up the see blue lightning and grey looking dust swirl around Jay as his eye turn black. He then speeds and grabs Barry my the neck. The anger inside of me bubbles over and I attack. I use my powers to close Jays trachea. He drops Barry then turns around and reaches for me. I put up a force field which only temporarily blocks him. Before I know it his hand is around my neck I reach for the energy in my body but he applies more pressure to my neck. I gasp for air as I feel it leaving my body.

"Stop" Caitlin yells and the world starts to become splotchy. The last thing I remember is Jay letting go of my neck and falling into someone's arms.

* * *
I wake up a jolt awake. I quickly take in my surrounding as STAR labs so I jump out of bed. I see Barry talking quietly to Harry in the corner and Cisco looks up to me.

"Woah I'm not a doctor but you should probably lie down a little longer" Cisco says and walks up to me. I sway his hand away and look around the cortex.

"Did we get Wally back?" I ask.

"Yes, but Jay took Caitlin after he let go of you" Cisco says.

"Let's just hope he treats her well" I say and sit down and watch Barry walk over slowly.

"Harry is going to try and recreate the particle accelerator explosion to get my powers back" Barry says and my eyes go wide.

"He what!" I say and stand up again.

"Juno, calm down-" Barry says but I brush his hands off of me. I turn walk into the middle of the cortex and face him again.

"Are you crazy?" I ask raising my voice. "That will most likely kill you" I say just as Joe and Iris walk in. They give me a weird look. I put my hands to my head them towards Barry and Harry. "They want to recreate the particle accelerator explosion to get Barry's powers back" I say. Iris's eyes go wide but she stays silent. Joe looks up to me with a strait face.

"That might be the only way" Joe says and walks over to Barry.

"Wh-this is a stupid idea" I say. They all look at me like I'm crazy. "Fine" I say and throw up my hands. "Fine, whatever" I say and walk out of the cortex. I storm down the stairs even though I head people calling my name. I get onto my motorcycle and drive home.

* * *

Less than an hour later my door bell rings. I pull my self off the couch where I was lying thinking to the front door.

"Barry Allen is at the door" Cortan says and I sigh. I open the door the see Barry saying there.

"Sorry it took me a little longer to get here" he says sheepishly and runs his hand through his hair. "Look, I know this could kill me, but if I don't do this Zoom will end up killing everyone I love. I can't let that happen and I know you don't want me to do this, and I'm sorry" Barry says and looks up to me with sad eyes. "I need you to be there when we do this because your the only one that can stand up for everyone else. And I want you there because I am scared too" I look into his green eyes and see they are starting to fill up with tears. I pull him into a hug and he grabs my waist to pull me close.

"I don't want to lose you Barry" I say as I pull away to look him in the eyes. "I also know I won't be able to stop you from doing this. . . I'll come"

* * *

Barry is standing in a machine with different chemical chambers around him waiting to get started. Everyone has talked to him except me. Once Joe walks away I come up to him. I run my fingers along the lighting emblem on his chest. He gently tilts my chin up towards his face.

"I love you" I say first and he smiles.

"I love you too" he says and pulls my chin towards him for a kiss. It doesn't last long enough as Harry comes to steps him in. I slowly back up and stand beside the control board. Harry comes back up and turns the machine on. Barry starts to scream and I can tell something isn't right.

"STOP IT" I yell as I run towards Barry. He screams in pain and starts to become transparent.

"Juno stop!" Cisco yells, but I'm too late. Barry looks at me like be last time before he completely disappears.

"BARRY" I yell and fall to my knees. The tears start to flow as I reach out for the scorched emblem that once was proudly across his chest.


Ahhh it's been a while!!! I think I just got back into the writing mood :)

Love you guys have an awesome week.

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