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I take a deep breath and try again. I pull on the energy around me but it's not the same.

"I can't do it again" I say to Barry, Cisco, Wells and Caitlin through the glass. I'm trying to recreate what I did when I thought I lost Barry but I can't. I walk out of the room and look over the the scientist for some explanation.

"I don't think you have enough emotion" Caitlin says quietly. Thankfully we got her back from Zoom, though it was her quick thinking that saved her. She'd have what it takes to be an amazing hero. I nod my head and sit down tiered from the attempts.

"That would make the most sense" Cisco says and tosses me a water bottle. I drink half of it in one gulp and set it down on the table.

"Okay, I'll leave that move for now" I say and wipe my forehead. I get up go to take a quick shower and change out of my sweaty cloths.

As I step back into the Cortex alarms start going off. Cisco rolls his chair over the the computers and sighs.

"Guys Zooms meta-army is causing a lot of damage around the city. Someone's trying to take down a building right now" Cisco says and Barry's out of the room. I sit down in my chair and have a look at the computer.

"Sonic waves are being detected in the area" Cisco says as he looks at a map of Central City.

"Laurel?" We hear through Barry's coms.

"Another doppelgänger of someone we know" Caitlin says, she presses down the button under the mic and talks to Barry. "That's not the Laurel we know Barry. Don't let this throw you off" she finishes as we hear Barry thud to the ground.

"Too late" I whisper and Barry runs in a couple of seconds later. He pulls his mask off and shakes his head.

"She's got Sonic blasts and she's Laurel" Barry tells us.

"We pieced that together" Harry says from the corner of the room. "I have a proposition to get rid of all the Earth-2 metas". We all look at him with hopeful eyes and he walks in front of us to explain. "Earth-2 vibrates at a different frequency, we figured this out when Cisco couldn't vibe on my Earth at first. If we create a machine that can send out a frequency that will interfere with ours we can take all of them out at once".

"What about you and Jessie?" Barry asks.

"We'll make some earplugs that will protect us from the waves" Harry says.

"Let's get to it" Cisco says and walks out of the Cortex with Harry.

* * *

Everyone seems to be busy around STAR labs. The Cortex is silent and there's only me and Henry in here. I get up and walk over to Henry.

"I'm sorry" I say and he looks at me confused. "I'm sorry I almost hurt you. I should have more control over my powers I-I was just overwhelmed as I'm sure you where" I say quietly and he places a hand on t shoulder.

"Juno, don't apologize. I've talked to Barry and I know your relatively new with your powers. I'm sorry by the way" he says with a genuine look in his eyes. I smile sadly and nod my thanks to him. "That must have been hard" he says not mentioning the actual event.

"I grew up learning to deal with things like this. Though I never though they would be this dramatic" I say letting some energy dance around my hand. "I also had amazing people to help me get through it" Henry smiles at me.

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