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"You're leaving?" I question sadly as I pour my mug full of coffee.

"Yeah Tony offered me a job" Natasha says as she munches on a piece of toast.

"Well thanks good" I say a Lillie hesitantly. Natasha rolls her eyes at me but smiles.

"He's not that bad Juno"

"Yeah but he's not that good either" I say and sit beside her. "You better keep that guy in line. I won't deny he's smart, but he's a bit of a loose cannon. One that has an ego the size of North America" I say then take a sip of my coffee.

"Okay he does have an ego, but he's not bad. Maybe I should reintroduce you guys" Natasha says jokingly. I give her an unimpressed look. "Don't worry I don't want to start a war" At that line me and Natasha burst out into laughter.

"Okay but you have to come visit" I tell her.

"I will try" She says and gets her bag she's already packed up. "Would you be able to drive me to the airport. Stark is coming to pick me up personally"

"Sure let me get dressed" I say and walk into my room. I get changed into a pair of black skinny jeans a lose black tank top and a stylish white trench coat. I brush my teeth quickly put on some black cherry lipstick and meet Natasha in the hall. I slip a pair of black ankle boots and grab the car keys.

"I don't know if Stark nows about my powers, he probably does after D. C, but if he doesn't I would like it if he didn't know. I dorm want him poking around in my life" I say as we stop a a red light.

"Of course Juno. I would ask the same if I were you" Natasha says and I press the gas as the light turns green"

* * *

We get to the airport and I walk with Natasha to Stark's private jet. I put on my blue aviator sunglasses and keep a strait face as we approach the jet. Stark is waiting there and greets Natasha like they are two old friends. He then looks to me and his smile drops slightly and I smirk a little.

"Stark" I say and walk up to him.

"Kestrel, nice to see you made it past HYDRA" he says.

"You know they can't touch me" I say and raise an eyebrow with my smirk.

"Yeah no one can touch you,the lesser known Black Widow copycat" he says and I just smile at his comment.

"Keep care Natasha" I say in Russian and turn to leave.

* * *

"Okay Cisco I really need a new name" I say as I enter the Cortex.

"I like the name Juno-" he starts.

"No I need a new hero name. I don't want to be the lesser known Widow" I say and slouch into my chair.

"Identity crises, hmm. I'll see what I can do for ya" Cisco says and continues to type on his computer. "That's too bad Natasha had to leave"

"When did she tell you?" I ask spinning my chair so I can see him.

"She texted me this morning" Cisco says not looking up from his computer.

"She told me this morning. Gonna miss her" I say and spin back round.

"She was pretty cool" Cisco starts and then turns to me quickly to finish his sentence "not as cool as you though. You understand all my references" I laugh and start to tear up. Cisco looks over to me and starts to laugh as well. Caitlin walks in and gives us both a confused look which makes me and Cisco laugh even harder. I am laughing so hard I fall of my chair. Caitlin gasps and comes over to me.

"Are you okay" Caitlin asks very concerned and then there's silence. I start to laugh and roll over. Caitlin sighs and walks over to the med bay. Cisco try's to hide his laughter, but fails once he sees me.

* * *

The rest of the morning goes by pretty normal after the laughing incident, that is until we get some unexpected news.

"Guys I just got a text from Diggle" Cisco says and everyone stops whatever they're doing. It's not every day we get a text for a memes we of team Arrow.

"What did he say" Barry asks and we all come to circle Cisco.

"King Shark escaped" Cisco says. Harry puts his hands up in the air and sighs in frustration. "Apparently he's somewhere in central city, so him and Lyla are coming" everyone starts to go back to their spots. I can't leave this opportunity so I grab my phone and start to play some music.

Dun nuh

Cisco looks up and then to me, Barry looks over as well.

Duh nuh, duhn

"Are you playing the Jaws theme?" Cisco asks.

"I saw the opportunity and I took it" I say and he face palms and Barry smiles.

* * *

In the late afternoon Diggle and Lyla have made it to central city. I welcomed them though the lady seemed wary of me. I shrugged it off though because that's pretty much everyone's reaction to me. Barry goes home to talk with Joe, Iris and Wally about family stuff, which seems a little tense at the moment.

"So how's me number one fan" I as jokingly to Diggle. He smiles a bit and answers.

"Not bad. Doing Arrow stuff, still a little mad about you beating him and stopping him punch open handed" I smile.

"He's still angry about that?" I ask laughing a little.

"Only because Felicity uses it whenever she can" he says and I raise an eyebrow.

"If Oliver says no and Felicity remotely thinks it's because she's a girl she will use you as an example that females are perfectly capable"

"I'm sure he loves that" I say as Barry runs in looking very panicked.

"King Shark just attacked me" he says. "Everyone is fine but he ripped a hole in our roof"

"Why are the bad guys always so destructive?" I ask rhetorically. "How did he even find you?"

"I don't know, buts it's really creepy"

"I am pretty sure he used your electromagnetic field to find you. That's how sharks find their prey" Lyla says which makes perfect sense.

"Okay now we need to make a plan to stop him" Cisco says with a slightly sinister smile.

* * *
So there we where armed to the teeth and waiting on a dock. Now we didn't use your average fish bait for our aquatic friend. We used a Flash suit and stuffed it full of electromagnetic field generators and tranquilizer. There was Cisco's poor suit tied to a buoy being used as shark bait. I wasn't actually on the deck to watch the whole fight.  I was put on back up incase Jaws decided to come on land. I'm standing in front of a bunch of heavily armed security. I am in my dark suit with the hood pacing and listing through my ear piece.

There is something big swimming this way.

Prepare for impact

He's going for the decoy

That thing is freaking huge!

Get ready!

I listen intently as the battle starts. I wait patiently perfectly okay with being back up.

"So your the second meta-human people have been talking about" asks one of the men behind me.

"Yes I am, glad you've heard of me" I say.

"What's your name then or are you just gonna be the person who helps the flash?" He asks and I smile at his sassy comment from behind my hood.

"Huntress" I say finally deciding on the new name I am going to make for myself.


Sorry I haven't updated in a while
I wanted to come up with the perfect superhero name for Juno. Please comment on how you like her name!!! Have an amazing day.

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