Visit to DC

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I am sitting in an ally hiding from everyone. I play with the zipper on my suite board and alone. I have already shed my weight in tears, and it infuriates me. I am weak but strong and this scares me. I can't control my power, and this is why I can't be around anyone. It's better off for everyone if I stay away.

I am snapped out of my thoughts as two people walk into the ally. I stay completely still and watch them. One is a man in his thirties with a gun and the other is a younger man in his twenties. The older man is pointing his gun at the other and motioning for him to give him something. I sneak closer and closer as the young man searches through his backpack.

"Stop right there" I say. Both men freeze but the one with the gun is now pointing it at me.

"Give me whatever you have too lady" he says gruffly. I step out of the shadows and both jaws drop. The recognize me. I smirk at the power I have over them.

"Still want to threaten me?" I ask walking towards him slowly. I can see his hesitation and his hands shaking. I throw my hand out at the gun and it come to me. The mans eyes go wide and he runs. The other looks at me, still a little scared.

"Th-thanks" he says then scurries off to who knows where. I toss the gun into a trash container and disappear back into the shadows. I push away my fears, doing what I've learned to do. I have to make the most out of the situation.

* * *

I go to my old apartment and it's exactly how I left it. I walk through the door and sigh.

"Ms. Juno Kestrel you have been unconscious for five month. You have 13 missed calls from Fury. I suggest you phone him back" Cortana says making me smile.

"I missed you Cortana" I say with a laugh.

"That's very nice of you" she says and that cracks me up.

"Connect to Director Fury" I say becoming serious again, then changing into black athletic leggings and a lose short sleeve top.

"Agent Juno Kestrel, you've been gone for a while" Fury says with his normal sass.

"So I've heard" I say sassing him right back.

"We only know what Agent Hall knows"

"I'm not sure how much Amber knows, but I can tell you it's not everything" I say with confidence. I have to tell them. I swallow and look at Fury who has one eyebrow raised.

"I am now a meta-human" I say and breath out.

"Excuse me?"

"The reason why Dr. Gregor wanted me is to experiment with his and my parents research. I'm not sure exactly how and what he did but I can tell you this. I can make stuff float" I don't know how to explain it and I realize that sounds a little stupid.

"You can make thing...float?"

"I will come over to DC and have a meeting with you and agent Amber Hall" I say and end the call. I sigh and go to get changed, again. I am wearing skin tight black jeans, a white lose blouse and black ankle boots. I pack light and keep it simple.

* * *

I get out of the private S. H. E. I. L. D jet and put on my aviator shades. I marvel (see what I did there) at the largest operating base. Last time I was here was 5 years ago. They have done some major upgrades. I walk into the base and I keep a low profile. I don't know if me missing went public or not, and I don't want any questions or attention. I elevator up to level 100, and watch the world get small out the glass wall. The elevators chimes and I step out an assistant offers to take my bag, but I politely decline. I don't know who to trust only Barry, Cisco, Fury and Amber. I'm still not 100% on where Caitlin stands. I reach the end of the hall and open the door. As I walk in I see Amber and Fury talking. The both look uneasy and I put my bag to the side.

"Hello agent Kestrel" Fury says. Amber runs over and give me a hug.

"I was so worried about you. I'm sorry
I wasn't there when you woke up. I wanted to-" Amber starts ranting, but I cut her off.

"It's fine" I say and she pulls away. She knows something up. I take a seat across from them and wait quietly.

"I told agent Hall what you told me" Fury says. I look over to Amber and see smiles sadly. "Would you care to demonstrate this power" Fury says and by his voice he is skeptical. I look around the room and decide to take a pen from the table. I stretch my hand out and focus, the pen flys up and is in my hand. Both of their eyes are wide.

"That is crazy" Fury says.

"I haven't practiced or anything so I don't know the extent of what I can do" I say and claps my hand together. "Please I don't want this to get out. I want my file to be HIGHLY classified and they need my permission or yours" I say motioning to Fury "to view it and they have to have been level 10 for at least two years. Lastly I will NOT be tested on" I say looking at Fury knowing that I am a amazing opportunity to creat super soldier. "And I will not be kept in a cell monitored 24/7. I will lead my life normally and if you really need me I will make the final call on what happens" I say very sternly with authority, then lean back into my chair.

"And what I don't agree to that" Fury asks. I stair him in the eyes and glare at him.

"Then you will never see me again, and if you sent people after me they will fall like dominos"


Hope you liked it! Thanks again for the support and coming to read the sequel!

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