Getting it strait

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"I know that why I called you. I knew you wouldn't fluff it up" Amber says quietly.

"Okay you need to keep a low profile. Don't stay late or hang out with people outside of work time. Just stay there and calm until something happens. When it does run. Hide a bag in your apparent with a change of clothes, money and a passport. You make your way here if anything happens" I say as she nods.

"You got this Amber" I say and turn off the hologram. This is bigger that I though.

"Okay first of all that hologram was amazing and second of all. What the heck was that all about" Cisco says and rolls back to the computer and looks me in the eyes. I return his looks a shrug.

"I'm not sure exactly what it's all about, but I'd like your help with that" I say with a smile. Cisco raises an eyebrow.

"You want me to hack into SHEILD, and do what exactly?"

"Find anything you can on project Insight" I say and he nods.

"My pleasure" he says and starts typing away. I walk over to my suite and smooth out a crease in the hood. If Amber is stuck or in trouble I will go get her myself.

After an hour or so Cisco slams his hands on the desk.

"They kicked my out again and I can't find another loop hole" he says.

"That's fine" I look on the screen and there are only a bunch of files that are mostly black.

"They are coded too" he says. I smile.

"Time for me to work my magic" I say and push his chair to the side. I start typing multiple codes and scan my eye once. I smile as the black comes off the pages.

"Level 10 baby" I say with a triumph high five with Cisco. We both start reading them over. I frown and relies they seem altered.

"They're no complete" I say.

"Yeahhh" Cisco mutters.

* * *

I walk into the CCPD the next morning running on about 4 hours of sleep. Me and Cisco stayed up most of the night trying to figure out the Insight documents, but couldn't get much. I somehow managed to dress myself nicely in black pants a black blazer and heels, don't know how, but I did. I sit down at my desk and sigh. I need a coffee pronto.

I get distracted by from my work as Patty runs up.

"Hey we got a homicide case involving a meta" she says, and I jump up.

"Finally can get away from that desk" I mumble and Patty laughs. I straiten my blazer as I run down the stairs and into the parking lot. I pick up my helmet and slip it on.

"Your gonna ride that in heels?" Patty asks.

"Oh ya" I say and she smiles. "Race ya there".

I reach the crime scene first, and Patty is 3 minutes off. I place my helmet on my bike and smile.

"Next time" Patty says as we walk into the Central City News. My phone buzzes and without looking I answer.

"Juno" I hear Barry's voice on the other line. I roll my eyes and motion in need a moment to Patty.

"Yes Allen" I say coldly.

"Umm we need you here as quickly as possible" he says.

"I'm at a crime scene right now"

"I know Dr. Light killed him and she's on the lose" he replies.

"I'll be there soon" I say and hang up.

* * *

I walk into the Cortex and see Caitlin talking to Iris while Cisco and Harry (Cisco's name for Earth 2 Harrison Wells) discus who knows what. I'm stopped by Barry who looks like he's been waiting. I raise an eyebrow.

"Can I talk to you privately" he says, but doesn't give me time to answer. He races me into the gym.

"I'm sorry" he says as he sits on the bench.

"For what Allen?" I ask and feel my temper start to surface. "For pushing me off the team, for not telling me you almost died and you meet Harry or for replacing me with Iris" I say the last part coldly. He sighs.

"I haven't replaced you Juno I-"

"Really? Barry you haven't talked to my for days, and you been acting weird. Cisco says it was Iris who kept talking to you after the attack and stopped you from calling me. I though you where going to tell her you two aren't a thing...or are you cheating on me" I ask and try to control my emotion.

"NO. It's not like that" he says the last part quietly.

"Well then what's it like!"

"She just met her mom for the first time. Joe never told her that her mom was alive. And she just found out her moms dying" I frown.

"Well that still doesn't explain why you are trying to get me off the team or why you're ignoring me"

"Harry explained to us why these meta humans"

"Another thing you forgot to mention"
I mumble.

"You know Jays a speedster" I nod "well they have an evil speedster named Zoom. He's sending over the meta humans"

"Why would he do that-"

"He wants my speed" Barry says quickly.


"He wants me dead so he can take my speed" he says putting his head into his hands. "I don't want you to get in the middle of this. He's faster than I am. I-I won't be able to save you". I walk over and sit beside him.

"Well you know that's not going to work" I say with a smirk. "I'll always want to save my friend, this city. Don't push me away because I'll just go do it myself" I say and he smile a bit then frowns again.

"Why did you randomly leave the CCPD the other day" he asks.

"Who told you that" I say confused to what he's talking about.

"Iris said she say you rushing out and you looked worried" when I hear Iris' name I roll my eyes.

"Don't you she what she's doing"
I ask angrily. "She's trying to break us up. She wants to be with you she's planting seed of doubt in your mind"
I yell and stand up.

"Where were you going. She said you looked nice. Are you cheating on me?" My eyes go wide and my jaw drops.

"Really? Barry let me tell you this...I LOVE YOU. Why the heck would I cheat on you. Do you know how hard relationships are for me? I went through a lot personally to try and make us work. For you information I was called by the director of SHEILD because there something happening and we don't know what" I throw my hands up in the air. "I'm not even so post to tell you that" all of the sudden strong arms are wrapped around me. I want to hug him back, but I can't. I squirm out of his grip and look him in his beautiful eyes.

"I'm sorry Juno. I didn't realize Iris was playing me a bit. I see know that I was wrong"

"I understand you want to console her about her mom, but please we things right with her. I liked Iris, maybe you can fix this with her, even though you pretty much suck with feeling" I say he frown a little before taking my face in his hands.

"I do know I'm an idiot who is in love with you" he says and kisses me softly on the lips. I smile a bit.

"You still need to make things right Bartholomew" I say with a smirk and Barry frowns. "You still have a couple of more steps before I can really trust you again" I say and leave.

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