The Reverse-Flash Returns

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"What is it this time" I yell as I swivel towards the computer screen. I raise an eyebrow as I look at the screen. "Hm another seems as though the bank is getting robbed" I say and within a couple of seconds Barry is back. Natasha comes and sits beside me as Harry tires to help Cisco vibe.

"He's quite the character" Natasha says as the two men leave the room. I laugh at her comment.

"His sense of humor gets me every time" I say.

"So how where the police in accepting you back" Natasha asks and I sigh.

"They are skeptical and one told me I was luck Barry believes me, but I mean not as bad as some other stuff I've been through" Natasha nods and looks down.

"Yeah, I'm glad you've found a family that has accosted you. I have Clint, Steve and Tony, a family helps you not to revert back to your old ways"

"Yeah it's hard though. Sometimes when things go bad I want to escape and leave everything, or worse I threaten people around me" I say quietly.

"Sometimes that's good though, and hey your powers seem pretty amazing"

"It's been hard, when I first woke up I almost strangled Barry to death form 10 meters away"

"But you learn to survive and-" just then Barry, Cisco and Harry come in. All of their faces are dropped into frowns.

"The Reverse-Flash is back" Cisco says and that just made my day.

* * *

For the next couple of hours we gather team Flash and Harry explains to us how that jerk is not dead. He apparently is from the past and this is how he finds out about us.

"Well then what are we waiting for, we better catch him" I say annoyed. Natasha is sitting there her eyes wide, I can practically see the wheels turning in her head.

"Time travel is real?" She asks starring at Barry. He nods slowly.

"Yes, but it's risky" he says. Natasha still looks amazed and confused as I leave the room to suit up. Before I come back into the cortex Barry stops me.

"Can you stay here in case he comes here" Barry says and I can see in his eyes he is very emotional right now. I pull him into a hug.

"Okay I will stay, but are you okay Barry" I ask and look up at him.

"I need to stop him, then I'll be okay" he says and runs off. I walk into the cortex and walk around to Barry's suit rack.

"Cisco I think you need to make another rack" I say with a smile "maybe in the room over where I change"

"Of course my lady" he says with a English accent. I nod and walk over to Natasha. She looks up at me her eyebrows knit together.

"This is really confusing, and hard to wrap your head around" she says. I laugh a little and nod.

"Ya I've gotten past that point" I say, just then Barry runs in.

"I caught him and he's in one of the cells" we all nod and follow him here.

We make sure he can't see our faces as we talk. It is eerie talking to a dead man. After a brief talk all of us but Barry leave.

"We have to be careful not to tell him too much or we could mess up the time line" Harry says warning us. I look over and see that Cisco doesn't look like him self. I walk over and sit beside him.

"Cisco you know he dies eventually" I say as he continues to madly click the mouse and stare at the computer screen.

"I know but it's hard. I trusted him and he kills me in an alternate time line" Cisco says angrily, he takes a deep breath and sighs "I'm sorry I shouldn't have yelled at you"

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