Winning them back

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I wake up to a phone ringing. I lazily reach my hand out and grab my phone, but it's silent. I then look over and see a glow coming from table on the other side of the room. I look down to Barry who's fast asleep. I shake his shoulders gently.

"Barry" I whisper not knowing if Natasha is up yet. He rolls over and pulls me into a bear hug. "Barry" I yell whisper trying to wiggle out of his arms.

"I love you" Barry says quietly in his scratchy morning voice. He kisses my cheek but doesn't open his eyes.

"Now is not the time Barry" I say as his phone starts to ring for the second time. "Okay that's it" I say and go to my last resort. I start to tickle Barry's neck, he squirms and I tickle him more. He opens his eyes and groans. I continue to tickle him and he starts to laugh.

"Stop" he says as he tries to muffle his laughs.

"Your phones ringing" I say and he speeds over to it.

"Hello" he says, his eyes go wide. "Okay be there in a sec" he says and hangs up. "Another meda-human case" he says and kisses me. "See you later". By the time I open my eyes he's gone. I look over to the clock and it reads 8:10am. I roll out of bed and change into a navy t-shirt dress that comes to my knees. I pull my hair into a bun and walk out into the kitchen. Natasha is already up and hands my a cup of coffee, thank her and sit down on a bar stool.

"Why did you go to STAR labs last night?" Natasha asks as she stands on the other side of the counter. I sigh and take a long sip of coffee.

"Cisco was almost erased from existence" I say pretty calmly.

"What?" Natasha says and almost choked on her coffee.

"He told the Reverse-Flash too much, I don't know exactly what that did, but he's okay now. We had to throw the Reverse-Flash back to his time though" I say and grab a banana too eat.

"I'm usually okay with people being in danger, but this is so weird" Natasha says all I can do is nod and walk towards the door.

"Hey Juno can I use your secure net work?" Natasha asks as I slip on my nude heels.

"Ya sure, if you can't figure it out ask Cortona. Who are you gonna talk to?"


"Okay" is all I have to say about that guy. I walk into the garage and hop into my car.

* * *

I walk into the CCPD and almost get run over by a cop running off.

"Really" I say as he shoves past me. He keeps going without even looking back and I roll my eyes. "Off to a great start" I mumble under my breath. I walk upstairs to my desk and I see a sticky note. I pull it off my desk and read it.

Better watch your back. No one here trusts you "agent"

I crumple the note up and throw it in the recycling bin. I open my computer just as Joe comes up.

"We got a case" he says and goes back down the stairs. I grab my phone and purse then put on my sunglasses. I hop in my car and drive to the location given to me. I get out and cross the police tape, I walk over to Joe and Barry my heels clipping. I look at our victim and frown.

"What happened to him?"I ask.

"He drowned in tar" Barry says and Joe raises and eyebrow.

"Another meta?"

"Most likely" Barry says. I sigh and look around the crime scene some more. I don't find anything else and go back to the station after checking up on all teams there.

When I get back I walk into the building just as they are brining a criminal in. I leave them some space and take my sunglasses off. I hear a scream and when I look up I see the criminal is holding a gun to an young officers head. All of the sudden four more men walk in wearing ski masks. They pull out their guns and one of them is aimed at me.

"What do you guys want?" I ask carefully not wanting to aggravate anyone.

"I want to watch you all burn" the man says who's holding a gun to a young female officer. My mind is racing on how I will take out all of these men. I tune out the rant that the man is making and focus on the man with the gun to my head. I step back and step on his foot with my heel. He yells and shoves me forward.

"I'm so sorry I don't mean to step on you" I say and take a step towards him. "I meant to do this" I say with a smirk and kick him in the stomach. He doubles over and now all the men's eyes are on me. I slip a small circle put of my sleeve and throw it at the man holding the officer hostage. The circle lands on his gun and it short circuits, he yells and backs away form the lady. She then pulls her gun out on him. I quickly do the same to the others. I then kick the man on the ground so he's unconscious. On of the men runs at me and throws a punch I stop it open handed and twist his arm. He yells in pain and I kick his stomach the other two come at me and I duck under their punches and slide across the floor so I'm behind them. I kick ones legs from underneath him and he hits the ground hard. The other turns to face me he pulls out a knife and smiles.

"Maybe we won't get all of you, but we can get one" he says as he looks at me.

"Good luck with that" I say and put my fists up. He comes at me and brings the knife down hard I stop him with my forearm and kick him in the gut. He comes back at me an this time I grab the sides of his hand holding the knife and I jump up, twist and kick him in the face. As I land he flips onto the ground from me twisting his arm. The knife clatters to the ground and I kick it away with my nude heels. I turn around to see all the people in the building starring at me.

"You know you gush could have just shot the last guy" I say and walk over to grab handcuffs form the nearest officer. They seem to clue in and a bunch of them come to handcuff the five men. I grab my purse off the ground and walk past all of the awe stuck people.

"Get back to work guys" I say and they all go back to what they where doing.

* * *

I walk into the cortex and see the whole crew there. Cisco is laughing and when they see me they all look at me and smile. I raise and eyebrow and look at them all.

"Joe was telling us about your take down earlier today" Harry says and I smile.

"Just doing my job" I say with a smile and Barry kisses the top of my head.

"I think the feeling towards you will change after what you did" Joe says. I nod and sit down.

"I hope so, I had a bit wok my desk this morning to watch my back. It should really be me telling them to watch their back, I could probably take out the whole building" I say "anyways how was your guys evening"

"Barry stopped the tar guy" Caitlin says.

"Can I talk to you privately Juno" Barry asks. I get up and he runs us to his house.

"I think I'm getting slower" Barry says.

"What, how is that possible"

"I think Zoom might be somehow taking my powers"


Sorry I haven't updated in a while. Life is really busy at the moment. Thanks for sticking with me guys, you're the best. Have an amazing day 💜.

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