The Real Jay

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"Huntress" Cisco says thoughtfully. "I like it" he smiles and pats my back. "You are following in my awesome naming footsteps" I smile and look over to the rest of the team. They are all nodding and Barry pulls me into a hug.

"I'm just glad King Shark is gone" Iris says. Way to kill my moment lady. I nod and then ignore her statement.

"I feel like I need to go bust some crime and get my name out there" I say a little more excited than I should be. I am still in my suit and I pull on my hood. I point to and Cisco and he points back at me. "Find me some crime!"

"On it" Cisco says. Barry walks over to me and looks a little worried.

"Are you sure about this" Barry asks. I cross my arms.

"This isn't my first rodeo" I say and pat Barry's arm. "I have stopped more criminals than you have sweetie"

"We got a potential hostage situation at the C'est Bon restaurant" Cisco says and high fives me before I run to get to my specially equipped motorcycle.

I reach the scene in less than a minuet. I take my helmet off and cloak the bike. I quietly sneak in from the kitchen door. I motion for the chefs hiding behind the counter to stay quite, though by how scared they look I doubt they want to draw attention to themselves. I peek over the counter to see two armed men in by the till. One is emptying the cash register and the other has his gun pointed at the many scared customers demanding for their jewelry. I focus on his gun and mouth. I force his mouth shut and rip his gun from his hands. I then vault the counter and punch him in the face the customers are to shocked to yell. While he's on the ground the other man spins around.

"Hey!" He yells at me and opens fire. I put up an energy shield in front of my and the bullets bounce harmlessly to the ground. He empties his magazine and I take the chance I kick his hand and he drops the gun. He puts his hands up in fists and I do a roundhouse kick to his head. I tie his hands as he lies unconscious. I hear steps behind me and I roll to the side just in time to miss a hard kick. I turn around and focus on his whole body and when he goes to throw a punch he didn't move.
I smirk at him and tie his hand together.

"Who even are you?" He spits.

"Huntress" I say and push him so he's sitting beside his unconscious buddy. I grab the jewelry bag from him and give it back to the people.

"Thank you very much Huntress" one lady says who collects three diamond bracelets from the bag. Someone's got a lot of money, or a rich admirer. One teenage boy comes up to me with a lot of confidence.

"Can I take a picture with you" he asks with a smug smile.

"Yes, but all you're gonna get is hood" I say.

"Still hot even if I can't see your face"

* * *

"He said that?" Cisco asks and goes into a laughing fit with Caitlin. Barry runs in and gives me a smile.

"It went well I see" Barry says and kisses me on the top of the head.

"Yeah and some guy told her she's hot even if he can't see her face" Cisco says barely able to get the words out in between laughs. Barry looks at me with a questionable look.

"He said what?" Barry says "find him on facial recognition. That punk needs a talking to" its my turn now to laugh and Barry smiles.

"Told ya I could do it" I say and cross my arms.

"So you don't need my anymore?" Barry says raising an eyebrow.

"Nah, I think you could still be my sidekick" I say and start to walk out.
"Who else is coming with me to celebrate" I ask and spin around. Barry and Cisco both come, but Caitlin seems unsure. "Come on Caitlin you need some downtime" I say and hook my arm around hers and lead her to my car. I drive her home and she gets changed into some more casual cloths.

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