First Mission

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I am sitting in my normal spot at the lab in front of a computer. I am flipping through security cams and waiting for a crime. I called Joe and Iris and told them to come here. We need to all have a chat. I hear a beeping noise coming form the lab area. I see Caitlin peek her head out and she ushers me over. I get up off my butt and walk over.

"Your test results finished" Caitlin says and sits down in front of the machine. I glance at the numbers that I have no clue what they mean. I take a seat on the med bed and wait to see what's wrong with me.

"There are traces of a unknown substance in your blood and it looks like your body is slowly absorbing it. This must be what was objected into your body" she says and pulls up a picture of some cells absorbing some blue liquid stuff. "That's your cells and the blue stuff is what's giving you your power" I subconsciously rub my small scars and pull on the nervy around me. "I tiered to analyze what the blue stuff is but our machines can't analyze it and when I isolated it from your blood cells it evaporated" Caitlin says as she frowns. "I think somehow it's has been tagged and can only be absorbed by your blood". Caitlin says and I frown confused. "You aren't like the meta-humans affected by the particle accelerator, but you do have the same dark matter within your cells". Just as I am about to ask some questions Joe and Iris walk in. I hop off the bed and walk over to meet them. Iris runs over and comes hugs me. I stay strait as a pin and Iris gets the message. I see Cisco walk in behind Joe and they all sit behind the desk of computers. I stand on the other side by myself ready to deliver a speech.

"Okay so I'm worried about Barry, he's pushing us all away and is blaming him self for the...tragic events that I hear happened" I look over to Iris and Caitlin with a sad frown. They avoid eye contact and I keep going. "I'm not one for long heartfelt speeches so I'm going to go strait to the point. Barry's gonna need help if he like it or not. As much as he doesn't want us to be apart of this we can't let Barry get himself killed. And that's why I want you as my team to back me up" Caitlin nods and Cisco looks like he just won the lottery, Joe and Iris' eyes are big and their expressions confused.

"Look I get that you want to help Barry Juno" Iris says. "But even with your skill you can't go up against these metas" I look over to her unimpressed.

"Thanks for you support Iris, but I don't 'just have my skill'. I am a meta" her jaw drops but I can see Joe understands what happened. "I didn't have a 'special mission' I was on, I was kidnapped by a long time nemesis. He decided to experiment on me and here we are" I gesture with my hands at us. I then reach my hand out towards Cisco in his chair. As they all look over Cisco has his eyes squeezed shut and is death gripping the side of his chair, which is floating. You can see the blue energy around it and now I know Joe and Iris understand. I let Cisco down slowly.

"So will you help me?"

* * *

I jump off my motorcycle and run towards to large crowd of people. Not long after they all agreed to help me Joe and Cisco had to leave for the Flash celebration. Not long after we got a text from Joe that there was trouble. I run last the crowd and only get a couple of look as everyone is panicking. I'm in my Black Widow suit with my hood up and mask on. I see Barry beside Joe as a large man limbers towards them. I come up beside them and Barry looks angry.

"Why are you here, you can't fully control your powers. I don't want you to get hurt again" Barry hisses. I smirk as blue energy circles around my hands.

"Well I'm not gonna let you get hurt either, plus I'm following in your foot steps" I say referencing the fact that he didn't have full control over his powers when he first went to save people.

"Okay enough with the chit chat" Cisco yells as the man comes over.

"I got this" Barry says and starts to run around the man then throws lighting at him. The man yells.

"See I didn't need help" Barry says matter-of-factly. I look over at the man a relies he is growing in size. He yells angrily at Barry.

"Well unless your plan was to make him angry we and even bigger you need help" I reply sarcastically. The meta grabs a car and throws it at us. Barry runs out of the way and grabs all the cops. I push back the fact that he didn't move me and throw out my hands at the car. It stops mid air as blue energy holds it in place. I hear gasps of amazement from the people around me and I let the car down. Now focusing on the meta I let the energy surround my fists weaving in and out of my skin. Just the Barry runs in front of me and starts to throw punches. I am about to warp my energy around the beast as Barry is thrown across the park. I run over to him as the meta runs away and disappears.

"Flash" I yell as I get over to him and kneel down beside his battered body. Joe and Cisco are beside me as I make sure Barry's okay.

"I'm fine, where is the meta" he asks wincing as he breaths in, clearly not okay. "He escaped, I came to see if you where okay" I said as he coughs up some blood.

"I'm fine you should have gone after him" Barry's says harshly, which I dot accept.

"Ya well I'm sorry I though you where actually hurt" I say and get up. "I'll meet you guys at the lab" I hiss as I walk away from the three men.

As I get to the lab the two girls look over to me and they look concerned. That's probably because it looks like I'm going to kill someone.

"Umm where's Barry" Iris says, surprisingly with attitude. I turn to her as I take off my mask. I give her a glare like daggers and she visibly shrinks back, and I can tell she's not used to being intimidated.

"Why don't you ask him yourself" I say the venom dripping form my words as Barry limps in with Cisco and Joe. Barry glares at me most likely knowing I brought everyone here. I don't give him the satisfaction of looking away first.

"Everyone needs to get out" he says as he points the the door, I don't even flinch. He then looks at me and I see many emotions in his eyes. He's mostly angry but also disappointed, and I think I even see some hate. I take off my hood and let my braids hand on my shoulders.

"Especially you" Barry says "you need to leave". I am slightly shocked seem as though I helped him. I walk over to him not scared, and he stands a little taller.

"I will leave, but to let you know Barry Allen" I say his name with force "you cannot and will not control what I do with my life" and with that I walk past him barely bumping into him. As I walk out I put my hand out and my bag flys towards me. Barry has to duck so it doesn't hit him.

* * *

Thankfully my new house is set up and I puck up the keys hidden under the flower pot beside the front door. This time I get a small house a 10 minute drive from the CCPD. I walk in and am greeted by my long time buddy.

"Welcome home Agent Juno" Cortona says. I smile and drop my bag.

"Thanks Cortona, I missed you" I say with a smile.

"I'm sorry but I do not know how to display affection" I laugh as I explore my house trying to take my mind off Allen.

The kitchen is small with stainless steel appliances. There are two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a living area with a huge TV, and a basement. The basement door is locked with an eye scan and when I walk in I see why. There is state of the art training equipment, three suit racks, a hologram station and a small lab station. I look over to the lab station and it has everything I would need to test my blood and see how my powers are affecting me and overall how I'm doing. I walk back up stairs and see all my stuff has been placed into the closets and drawers. I then blast my music to drown out my thinking as I get changed and then workout (song above). As I start working with the punching bag my anger comes out and I punch a hole in the bag. I scream in frustration my knuckles bleeding. Why was Barry so mad at me. I hear the door bell ring and I don't bother to wipe my hands off. I open the door only to see the persons I absolutely didn't want to see. Mr. Allen.


Sorry I haven't updated for so long! Life's busy and I am thankful for my loyal reader who will stick with me. You guys make my day!!!! Love y'all.

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