Date night

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I walk back the cortex with a smile knowing me and Barry are on the same page now. As I walk in Iris glares at me I give her an innocent smile and walk up to Cisco.

"How is Barry going to catch Dr. Light?" I ask as a gust of air blows some stray papers on the floor.

"Okay guys I see her" Barry says over the coms. I take a seat in my chair and go through video cameras to find Barry.

"I you move fast enough you can make a speed mirage. She won't know who is who" Jay says. Barry does just that and brings Dr. Light back.

I give him a high five as he walks by. I glance at the clock and decide its bed time. I don't like to stay up late if I don't have too. I say good bye to everyone and walk out of the building. I smile at the fresh air and hop onto my bike.

As I get home I practice my powers. I practice staying invisible which is really hard. Sometimes my concentration slips slightly and all off the sudden there is a floating arm or leg. Oh my gosh I know what I'm going to do on April Fools for Cisco. I smile and move onto a different skill, I lift weights with my powers which is quite easy. I then light a candle in front of me. I focused on the small flame and surround it with  energy. I shrink the forcefield until I snuff the flame out. I do that a couple more times before the doorbell rings.

"Barry Allen is at the door" Cortona says. I smile and get up. I reach the door and open it. Standing there is Barry with a dozen red roses and his cute smile.

"Hey Juno I brought you something" he says with a little bit of a sheepish smile. I let him in and close the door.

"These roses are beautiful" I say and smell them. I walk into the kitchen and look for a vase. I find one fill it with water and place the roses in. "What do I owe this pleasure to?" I ask smiling at Barry who's sitting on the other side of the counter.

"I though about what you said, I know cliché" Barry says with a smile. "We haven't done anything as a couple in a while and I wanted to do something. So...." He was gone for only a second and came back with a DVD in hand. I yelled and ran over to Barry.

"Yes yes yes yes" I say and pull Barry into a hug. I grab the Fellowship of the Ring extended version (the best version) and run over to my TV. Barry started laughing as I excitedly put in the DVD and set up the surround sound.

"I haven't seen you this excited since I asked you out" he says in between laughs.

"Well it's only the first film in the most amazing trilogy ever seen by mankind" I say and jump up to find the remote. I finally find it and turn on the TV and the theme of the Lord of the Rings starts to play. I hum along as I walk over to Barry who's gotten some snacks.

"You are such a nerd" he says playfully.

"So are you Mr. Allen" I say with a smile and we sit down on the couch. As the movie plays I curl up in Barry's lap. I recite lines here and there and Barry gives me a goofy smile.

As the movie ends I stay laying in Barry's lap. As the credits start I roll to look at Barry. He pushes a lose strand of my hair behind my ear.

"I love you Juno. I'm sorry for what I've done to you" he says quietly.

"Love you too" I say and start to drift off. I feel Barry carry me to my bed and place me down softly. "Goodnight" I mumble and snuggle into the sheets.

"Goodnight" Barry says and kisses my forehead.

* * *

I eat my bagel quickly and grab my hooded suite. I drive to STAR labs and braid my hair as I walk through the front door. I slip into one of the gym change rooms and pull my suite on. Cisco says he working on a new suite, I'm kinda excited. I walk into the cortex and smile at everyone. Cisco gives me a high five as I walk past him.

"Your suite is amazing" he says with a smirk.

"Ya I'll give you the guy's name" I say with a laugh. Barry kisses my lightly. Caitlin gives me a warm smile, and Joe nods his head.

"The meta Dr. Light is Linda's doppelgänger" Cisco says.

"Okay, who?" I ask slightly confused.

"She's my ex" Barry says and I frown.

"I don't see where this is going"

"Were going to convince her to help us catch Zoom" Cisco says rushed.

"I'm going to reveal my identity" Barry mumbles and looks away. I raise an eyebrow as Barry slowly turns back towards me. He gives me a small worried smile.

"If you keep telling so many people your identify isn't going to be a secret anymore" I say cooly. "At least try to convince her first without telling her". I get up and walk out of the cortex as Barry calls me.

"Where are you going" Barry asks a bit worried.

"Don't worry I'm not leaving you" I say with a sigh "I'm getting changed into my suite. She's not going to know my identity"


Sorry it's short! I will hopefully update more during the break. Also WORLDS INTERTWINE reaches 1k views and WORLDS COLLIDE reached 12k!!!!!!! Thank you so much guys. Love y'all.

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