f o r t y t h r e e

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deep inside taehyung felt powerless, especially after she mentioned the wedding was just a week away and even if joongi suspected she had cheated on him that day, he still decided to move forward with the wedding, even if she insisted many times that morning she didn't want to marry him anymore.

when he found out those bruises were caused, when he found out she wanted to break the engagement, his own heart broke as well. he wanted to help her, he needed to help her.

a week away was just such a little time to set up an entire case to bring him down, not even taehyung, that had plenty experience, could do such a thing. 

his heart ached at the thought of losing her again and the worst part was to losing her to someone like lee joongi. in the midst of thinking a way out of this and the stress of it all he came up with the only solution he found the most achievable. "let's run away."

ara's brown eyes widened after hearing what came out of his mouth. it felt like the time had stopped for a second. running away?

of course, she would love that. that way she would be free from joongi's exhaustive grip and maybe that could be the opportunity to be happy, the one she's been looking for since forever.

but soon reality hit her like a truck. her cheeks, that had a bright pink tone, somehow paled. she looked away and shook her head. it was impossible.

taehyung felt his heart breaking into million of pieces. he never imagined ara would reject his proposal of running away together, he thought that was what she wanted too. "why?" he dared to ask, looking for her eyes but she refused to look back at him, it was painful for her.

her lips trembling at that point and taehyung knew that whatever reason she would say now it was just a simple and vain lie. "i can't leave him."

"why?" he barked, anger already crawling up his spine, piling up on his chin.

ara looked down as she tried to came up with a good excuse or at least an excuse that kim taehyung would believe. "he... he is financing my new clothing line."

the green eyes rolled as he shook his head. it was more than obvious that wasn't the real reason behind. taehyung have heard of the nam family, he knew they were wealthy and ara herself was loaded with money. "okay... even if that was the case, which is not, i could finance it for you but you're clearly lying, that's not the reason so...tell me the truth." he demanded, his eyes serious now, as he stared at her with his lawyer mode on. 

she swallowed hard as she acknowledged she had been caught in a lie. as stress built inside her, the only thing left in the room was nothing but the truth. it ached inside her chest and again she hated herself for being too weak once the first tears made its way down her cheeks. "it's... a family arrangement taehyung... it's ancient, since we were kids, there's nothing to do about it-

"there's always something to do about it." he refuted with a frown. ara smiled sadly as she lifted her hand, looking for his cheeks. "my family has been threatened, i can't let anything bad to happen to them..." her voice almost cracked. taehyung then noticed how she quickly wiped the tears away and he understood that lee joongi had her wrapped around his finger.

he didn't know anything about the relationship of nam ara with her actual family, the previous aras relationships with their families had been confussing, but somehow nam ara seemed to really care about them. his heart broke into pieces again since he couldn't believe that was how their short story would end. 

"and... i came here to ask you something." she added, looking for his green eyes. she needed him. ara knew he was the only person in this world who would listen to her without judging her, without hurting her nor her feelings. he will understand.

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