"North, I'll get Mrs. Prince and her daughter. You look for Agent Fire!" I shout.

"SWAT, break up! Take any sort of action needed against these people and keep an eye out for Agent Fire!" North orders.

I shoot a lot of Nightmares who are either attempting to get close to Mrs. Prince or trying to attack me. I didn't give a single one the chance; Mrs. Prince is shaking in terror. My mind wonders back to what North mentioned; I have to try and keep her as calm as possible because of her condition.

"Mrs. Prince, I'm Agent Winter at DWSA. Please come with me and I can take you and your little girl to safety," I say gently.

I notice that Mrs. Prince has a lot of blood spatter on her but there is nothing wrong with her daughter either. I help up the confusion and scared young Mother and she suddenly stops dead in her tracks after a gunshot is heard.

"This hasn't been fun. Goodbye, Amelia."

"You fucking monster..."

"You better start running or this fucking knife is getting lodged in your back and then your fucking throat!"

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Mrs. Prince shouted in shock.


I turn my head and see Agent Fire laying on the ground bloodied with a bullet wound to the head. Thank God his little girl is unconscious and didn't have to witness that...

"Mrs. Prince, I understand you are upset but we have to get you and your daughter out of here!" I say in attempting to reach her.

She is frozen on the spot staring at her husband, his dead body. The Nightmares have scattered and Mrs. Prince slowly makes her way towards her husband. She looks distraught and her daughter is still unconscious in her arms; she drops to her knees and sobs.

"H-Hans, don't you dare leave me not now! Don't you go anywhere, you and me have a little one on the way. Please don't die!" She begs sobbing.

I don't know if she realises that he's dead. That's when I spotted his chest rising.

"What the fuck?!" I exclaim.

North and the SWAT team help me with Agent Fire. He's alive?! He's a fucking warrior! He just has to keep this up! Please keep it up, Agent Fire!

*After rushing to the agency's hospital*

He did indeed hang on for his dear life. The bullet didn't go all the way through and it was lodged in his head beside his brain fortunately! Though ever since we got here; his wife hasn't been too good. Maybe I should get Elsa to comfort her sister? I don't know, I'm not good with this emotional shit.

"She needs comfort..." I say to myself.

I walk along to the science labs and find Elsa staring into her mug. What's gotten in to her? I want to know what's getting her down like this. Whatever reason it is, it seems personal if you ask me which I don't like. Why is she so badly trying to decode this psycho active nerve agent? I click my fingers and she turns her attention to me.

"Hey, umm...I have some news for you," I say.

"What is it? I really have to get back to--" I cut her off.

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