On Our Jolly Way

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Edith walked a few meters behind Jeff as they walked through the Hellish landscape. The sky and moon both being dyed blood red. The world so small, you can right back to your previous location.

Edith could practically feel the anger radiating off of Jeff as they walked. She knew he was still angry at her for sneaking out of his grasp while he was asleep with his guard down. He probably would never let her out of his sight again. Edith feared such as that related. Edith could only imagine what it would be like staying Jeff's doll forever, him always keeping her with him.

Maybe Edith being pulled on a leash- now her thoughts were getting ahead of herself. But even only knowing Jeff for just more than a week, she still wasn't fully sue of what risks he would take or what he did when he was outraged. Just maybe Jeff was one of those people who just had their space when they were angry or sad. Edith just hoped it was that. Or he was purposely ignoring her, which sounds childish.

Jeff stops dead in his tracks, almost making Edith run into him. He stood there, looking like he was lost in his very own world. Edith wanted to say something, but feared she would only flip the switch to his anger more. So she kept quiet and let him take his time.

"You pulled a good stunt back there, Doll" Jeff's words came out like a snake with a hiss. Edith's skin crawled at the horrible nickname. She hated the nickname Hybrid the most. But Doll was just as terrible. It only made her feel like a certain object than a person.

Edith didn't reply, making Jeff swiftly turn on his heel toward her and having a strong breath of wind fly through his shoulder length charcoal hair. His hair still in knots and messy without a brush in years. His teeth cleaned with his eyes cold as they connected with Edith's.

"I'm not gonna let my guard down ever again, just to see you escape with ease. You ever do that again, daughter of Slenderman or not, I still won't hesitate to skin you and burn you alive." He spat in her face, taking Edith tremble. Jeff sure was terrifying when he wanted to be. Jeff didn't let Edith go immediately, but firstly took a huge whiff of her supposed delicious scent.

Edith had to wrestle out of his grasp, while he let out a dark chuckle and let her. That's when the portal appeared, right in front of them, before their eyes. The portal looked exactly as when Edith first saw it. An open door to the real world, highlighted with a glowing white and white sparks shooting out of it. Jeff went on ahead first, forgetting about Edith. Edith followed in second with a complaint or any other word.

Light momentarily blinded Edith for a long minute until Edith found herself in a place unknown to her. She stood in the middle of a road that went two ways. Left and right, both ways dead straight and stretching as far as the eye could see. It was foggy and Edith couldn't see very far of her line of vision. Alongside the road were fields that stretched unendingly and were surrounded by fences. To Edith, this didn't look like they were in the forest, but in the countryside. Edith was instantly confused by their location. She turned around in a full circle, her eyes drinking in the area and also landing on Jeff whose anger had grown.

"Why are we not in the forest?" Edith couldn't stop herself from asking and let the question slip through her lips. Jeff clenched and unclenched his fists as he had his back to her.

"The portal failed. It took us somewhere else." He said surprisingly calmly as he turned to Edith. He looked relaxed. The anger all suddenly vanished in just a click. Then Edith remembered. Oh yes, bipolar, she thought.

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