Nights In White Satin

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Edith watched as the scenery flew past her. Leaning on a hand and staring out the back window, deep in thought. Her long black hair pulled into a neat pretty side braid and beautiful eyes gazing out. Her skin a ghostly pale but smooth and flawless. Not a freckle or pimple spotted on her pretty face. She had a little nose, plump grey lips and eyelashes that made her blue eyes stand out.

Hums of an unknown melody slipped from her lips subconsciously. Her hums alerted her driver, Mr Walter Bolman. Walter (for short) looked about the age of fifty. He had a beard losing it's color and hair that was going through the same process. His face was a little wrinkled and sitting on his nose were some boring looking glasses. Walter was a kind man, polite, caring and even humoring. He was a man of fancy. Usually wearing a perfect black suit with a bow tie. Not that Edith could judge. Her mother had always been a fancy kind of lady.

Edith's mother's name was Mary. Mary had raised Edith to be a manner-full lady. Wearing dresses quite often. Always showing manners. Perhaps too many manners you would say. And Edith had grown from a baby into a full grown beautiful woman.

When Edith saw other teenagers, she saw how they wore a different style of clothes, speaking quite differently from her and their acts of stupidity and jests. It made Edith feel like the odd one out in the crowd. Although Mary always told her not to worry about it.

Sneaking peeks at the beautiful Edith, Walter looked at her reflection through the rear-view mirror, his eye full of wonder and concern of what she was thinking about.

He turned his eyes back to the gravel road in front of them and carried on driving. His black gloved hands not gripping to hard on the steering wheel. The terrain was a shaded forest. The sunlight peaked through the roofs of the green trees and the gravel road lead to who knows where.

"We should be arriving at your new home very, very soon, miss Edith." Walter said suddenly, curtailing Edith's thoughts. Edith's unique blue eyes drifted over to Walter and sent him a weak smile before her eyes drifted to the floor. Something was wrong. Edith's mother Mary had unfortunately passed away from cancer and Mary's sister had volunteered to take care of her. Edith didn't ave the strongest relationship with her mother but Mary still raised her and took care of her. Edith had never had someone close pass away, she wasn't used to the feeling.

"What is the matter, miss Edith?" Walter asked curious. Edith let out a quiet sigh, her eyes still glued down as if she was hesitant to expose what was wrong. Walter was like an uncle to Edith, with him only being a taxi driver, Edith didn't care about the career. She never went to primary school but was home schooled. She had a few years in high school, and they weren't easy for her. After being harassed and bullied, it was difficult for her to learn.

"I am still uncertain how to think after my mother's death. I have never encounter a close one's death before. I too have not met this new guardian of mine." Walter nodded, showing her that he was listening to her while focusing his old hazel on the road, although he glanced back at her every now and then. "Do you perhaps know any information about my new guardian?" Edith asked squinting her eyes and tilting her head a little as she did so.

Walter looked forward. He did not know much of this 'guardian' of Edith's. To him, she seemed quite mysterious. Her background not very exposed and not giving away too much information. Walter was struck wary of this guardian and very curious. Although it was not his place to be so interested.

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