Friend Of Foe

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The day passed quite slowly, it was almost piercing for Edith to go through. Edith had never experienced, the day probably went a lot slower because it was the season of Winter. Unfortunately no snow feel this year which disappointed Edith but she knew it wasn't the end of the world and could wait another year.

Edith had decided to spend the rest of the day wandering around Purple Haunt's area, not going deep into the forest and even thinking about helping out in the garden. There wasn't much to do around Purple Haunt but to only find house work to attend to. Edith never really hated going around and doing house work, she wasn't allowed on the electronics very often but only allowed on them for various reasons.

When Edith heard Lucille speak of a library located somewhere in the mansion, she didn't waste a moment to race off and seek it out. Edith didn't find Lucille after their conversation about the ghosts that haunted this mansion. Lucille had left Edith with the warning "Never ever go into the woods, only the Devil knows what lurks in there". Edith shivered as Lucille's voice rung through her ears, her warning stern and threatening even. Lucille had delivered Edith that very warning before marching off and disappearing inside, probably returning to her office. Edith was curious at what work Lucille gets up to most of her remaining time since Lucille has kept it a strong secret and never mentioned her work.

Perhaps Edith could ask Lucille about her work at dinner, Edith had once thought with a following nod.

As the sun begun to set on Edith's first lonely day at her new home of Purple Haunt, Edith decided to practice her violin. Edith enjoyed the music of violin, how the bow slid across the violin's strings and beautiful high pitched sounds followed, it felt relieving.

Edith had been playing violin ever since she was a little girl, she grew up listening to it's charming melodies and became a professional soon enough. Mary had encouraged Edith to practice as much as she could and soon enough, she fell in love with her musical instrument.

As the sun slowly lowered towards the mountains in the distance, the forest was darkening and was starting to get covered in shadows. Edith spotted no animals that lived in the forest, nor did she dare step into the mysterious forest to find out. After encountering ghosts and paranormal activities ever since she arrived, Edith now feared that more ghosts would live in the woods or something much, much worse.

Although Edith couldn't deny that she was indeed extremely curious, it was almost killing slowly. Like slow tempting torture.

Facing towards the shadowy woods, Edith picked up her violin in one hand, the bow in the other. She settles the chin rest of the violin underneath her chin, the bow hovering over the straight strong strings of the instrument. Edith exhaled, taking a moment to stare out into the woods, possibly trying to find some kind of movement. After spotting none, she started to play.

As the bow ran itself back and forth along the tight strings, beautiful sounds followed right behind. Every sounds, every note, all of them fell into a beautiful melody that relaxed and softened the young Edith's heart. Not only playing the beautiful instrument, Edith didn't hesitate to spin and dance around the area. With every spin and turn of her head, Edith's hair followed like a cloak attached to her head and flew with it.

Finishing the melody, Edith's feet stopped and ended in a finishing pose with her violin held high. Feeling the prickling green grass just now made Edith realize that she had been dancing around in bare feet. My mistake, Edith thought with a shrug.

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