Drowning Alive

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As a few hours had passed, Edith and Lucille had eaten their dinner in complete dead silence. Edith had heard a few pins drop during the time but it never changed the silence that was in the room's atmosphere. They had a delicious roast of lamb and Edith couldn't deny that Lucille was an incredible chef. Lucille and Edith never spoke a word to each other but the silence was somehow comfortable to dwell in. Edith couldn't halt her thought train of Adam who she had just met a few hours ago. Questions that tore at her mind that begged for answers and the possibilities that could happen just being in Adam's presence. Edith knew she shouldn't really trust someone you just met but Adam had something to do with Lucille whether he was a friend of Lucille's of even a family member.

Now, Edith had prepared to have a bath. Unlike back at her own home, Lucille only had a bath and no shower. This mansion must be old not to have a shower, Edith couldn't help but think to herself.

The bathroom looked quite fancy, almost like a bathroom you'd see in some kind of palace. The walls a dark shade of purple like the rest of the mansion itself. A back sink, toilet and bath tub. The legs of the bath tub were the fancy kind of legs that you'd rarely see on any bath tub.

Edith spotted pipes reaching down from the room's ceiling and reaching the taps of the bath tub. It was obvious this was where the water came from. Leaning over the tub, Edith reached for the red tap that ran the hot water. Edith gripped the handle of the tap and twisted it. But it didn't budge. Edith huffed impatiently and twisted it harder, feeling her hand push deeper into the handle, probably making it redden. Edith smiled in victory as the handle twisted instantly and the tap began to run water through it's spout.

The pipes rattled and clanked as the water passed through each one. The disturbing noises made Edith feel uneasy. Very uneasy.

The tub started to fill with water as the plug kept the water from escaping down the drain. While the bath tub filled, Edith took the opportunity to remove her garments and set her dressing gown and nightgown aside.

Once the bath tub was half filled but not full enough to Edith's liking, all she could do was wonder. And listen to the whispering that had entered her head.

The voices spoke in unknown language. It didn't sound human at all. Different voices of females and males.

The voices sounded from all directions, laughing at her and speaking in their unknown language. All Edith could do was to try figure out what they were saying, which could've been impossible.

Sparing the attention of the voices suddenly, Edith glanced over at the bath tub to only widen her eyes. The tub definitely wasn't far at all from over flowing. Edith immediately leaned over the tub and twisted the handle of the tap to a stop and with that, the water finished.

Edith eyed the water for a moment, watching and even feeling the steam radiate off the hot water.

Taking a deep breath, Edith put a foot into the water and the foot was immediately met with burning sensation. The girl gritted her teeth to ignore the pain and felt her foot touch the bottom of the bath. Edith waited a few minutes before stepping fully into the bath water. Like her first foot, the burning bit her toes and the precious pads of her feet. The heat crawled up her legs as she lowered her body into the water.

As Edith lowered herself into a sitting position, once her bottom touched the water she couldn't help the slightly pained noises that slipped through her lips but she pushed past the pain and continued to sit down. The water traveled up her torso and stopped just above her collar bone as she couldn't sit and lie back further. Edith felt herself getting used to the heat and soon enough, she was in complete paradise. Her worries forgotten and she couldn't help but let her eyes flutter closed in relaxation.

That same moment, a force unexpectedly pulled her underneath the water making her gasp and accidentally choke on water in the process. Instead of meeting the bottom of the bath tub, Edith soon found herself in more water. Edith looked up, seeing the bright light of the water's surface but only so far away from her reach. Was she in some lake? Ocean? She didn't know.

Using her swimming skills, Edith attempted to swim towards the water's surface but found herself only to be pulled further downwards. Like some kind of force pull that was pulling her deeper and deeper into the darkness.

Edith looked bellow her and instantly regretted doing so. Chains had wrapped themselves around her ankles and seemed tight in grip as they were what pulled her down. The chains weren't what made Edith's blood stop flowing. It was the blazing red pupils of eyes that stared right up at her with rage and fury.

Edith opened her mouth to scream but found herself struggling to breath. All this she had seen and she had forgotten the most important thing. To breathe.

She gasped for air but was only met with more water slithering it's way down her throat like a snake.

While she slowly drowned she couldn't help but watch as the eyes came closer, slowly a small figure appearing out of the darkness of the depths. A human face, a human body. An elfish body almost. Ghostly pale skin that seemed lifeless. Blond locks that peaked out of the green elf hat that this boy wore. Cuffs attached to heavy chains that gripped his wrists and ankles. Seaweed that entangled his legs and hung off his tunic covered torso.

Edith sighted a small grin that passed over the boy's lips before his mouth opened and an unknown dreadful screech of a laugh next escaped his lips.

Edith screamed as she rose from the bath's water and gasped for breath as well. The water splashed onto the bathroom's tiled floor at her sudden rise out of the water. The remaining water that just managed to stay in the tub with her swished around left and right.

As she was catching her breath, questions rang in her mind with no possible answers.

What on earth was that? 


Most Of You Guys Definitely Know Who THAT Is! Hehe, Did You Enjoy This Chapter. It Is A Little Short But The Next Chapter Will Be Longer. Well, Yeah I Don't Know What Drowning Is Like So I've Tried My Hardest With The Detail & Stuff. 

I'm Sorry That Jeff Hasn't Been Introduced Yet But As I Said Before, I'm taking My Time With This Story & Am Going Into Deep Detail. So Keep Reading & You Won't Miss Out On Anything. 

I've Decided On The Theme Song For This Story. I Just Thought Of Something Like Tat For A Bit Of Fun, You Know? Soon Enough, You'll Know Of All The Character's Appearances & It'll Be Easier To Picture. Yes, Jeff In Real Life Will be Included. 

The Jeff Appearance In Real Life Is Incredible, That's All I Can Say. A Few Videos Of The Creepypastas I Wish For You Readers To Watch Also. As I Said, It's Just For Fun! YAY!!!

Anyway, I'll See You Readers In The Next Chapter!

Waiting So Long For You || J. The KillerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz