Where The Wild Things Are

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WARNING: Includes Sexual References! You Have Been Warned...

Edith's blue eyes just widened in horror. She heard lightning strike with the sound of roaring thunder following straight after it.The name "Slender Mansion", Edith hadn't heard of any "Slender Mansion" but it sure did make her wonder and worry. Why on earth was it called as such though?

Edith didn't know. She also didn't wish to know either.

With the night, a storm was now approaching, greeting with it's roaring of thunder and striking of lightning. Edith never liked storms, they used to frighten her when she was just a young child. Now, Edith still got a little startled by storms but she grew up to learn they weren't so common and they would only harm the unfortunate ones and unlucky ones.

The "Slender Mansion" looked pretty much like an abandoned haunted mansion, and going into a haunted mansion at night and even n a storm most likely meant bad news. Edith did not want to go into the mansion. At all.

"W-we are n-not going to g-go in there ar-are we?" Edith's words stumbled as her teeth chattered. Jeff watched Edith shiver and take in the scary mansion with amusement and joy in his lifeless eyes. He could easily tell Edith was shaken up at the sight of the mansion and by the look on her face, she already knew the answer to her own question. Jeff's grin grew wider and blood began to leak out of his cuts.

"Of course we are! Cmon!" He cried out in sick joy before pinning right around to face the mansion and start his towards it without a care in the world. Edith's form instantly went into war and panic. What was she supposed to do? Follow the madman into that terrifying looking mansion that screamed bad news?! Or was it safe for Edith to just turn and escape now?

But when memories of that bony creature came back to her head and gave her the chills. The black blood that came from the creature. SHe could still remember being dragged underwater in the bathtub. The ghosts girl that floated in Purple Haunt's hallways. The husky dog that ran down the halls and vanished into thin air.

Things and creatures like them could be out here. Of course, Edith just had to think back about that of all things to scare herself.

Knowing she had scared herself and she didn't have much of a choice, Edith let out a sigh of defeat and disappointment before following the psycho behind.

Jeff stepped onto the mansion's front porch, hearing the deathly old creak of a greeting. He was followed by Edith, who jumped and let out a little gasp in fright by the creak in the floorboards. Jeff laughed at her fear and fright.

Jeff reached the old wooden door, the paint peeling off and old scratches decorated on it.

Jeff seemed to pay no attention to the wreck of the door but all Edith did was stare at it. The sight of the scratches of the door brought back the memory when she figured out the grey creature had made scratches on the front door to Purple Haunt. Maybe the creature tried to get into this mansion too? It seemed to have a habit of scratching doors and trying to get into buildings.

The door screeched on it's hinges as it was slowly pushed open and through the open door revealed a long hallway that looked to go on forever or at least you couldn't see the end of it yet.

Inside of dim, the hallway only having a few lanterns along the walls, it still left the hallway a little dark in some areas but it was just bright enough to just see where you're going and where you're stepping.

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