Drawing Monotone Rose

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Edith didn't get much sleep that night. How could she anyway after experiencing a dead little girl and someone tapping on her window half the night? Edith spent most of her night cowering under her bed covers and riding her train of thought. She wondered if there were other ghosts in this mansion, other ghosts like the little girl. Edith didn't have much of an interest in ghosts but these ghosts just intrigued her somewhat.

Edith didn't hesitate to get up at dawn, not like she had anything else to do anyway. The tapping had thankfully finished a few hours ago, although she didn't go to sleep without one eye open.

Edith took her time getting out of her cozy warm bed and didn't bother to get dressed.

Edith hesitated for a while before she finally opened her bedroom door and stepped into the hallway. She felt a wave of relief wash upon her as she found no ghosts or paranormal activity. It all seemed as if she had imagined it or even dreamed it. But no, Edith saw all that with her own pair of eyes. She would never admit she would be going mad.

Edith nervously tip-toed down the hallway, careful not to accidentally step on a creaky floorboard that hid underneath the red carpet.

Edith didn't know how long her auntie Lucille slept, she didn't know if Lucille stayed up all night, sleeps in the whole day or if she's up already! Edith had only been living here for a day and her auntie was practically a stranger. Edith couldn't help but feel the horrible disease of Homesickness. Edith had gotten homesick a couple times when she was away from home on camps but she sadly only had the choice to live through it. It was horrible for young Edith!

Edith quietly scavenged around the mansion for a pad of paper and a well sharpened pencil.

Edith did have quite the heart for drawing as well as for reading, Mary would always think Edith had a talent with drawing. Edith enjoyed drawing plants, landscapes and nature, it brought her joy and relaxation.

Edith crept outside and took a seat on one of the old benches before a garden just behind the mansion. The garden was filled with many different types of flowers. Roses, Bluebells, Daisies, Lavenders, Lilies, Marigolds, Orchids, Tulips, Violets and more! It was truly a sight to behold. The sun was still awaking and it's rays were only peeking from behind the hills in the distance.

Edith stared subconsciously into the mysterious forest that surrounded her and Purple Haunt. Lucille lived in practically the middle of nowhere, on her lonesome in the middle of the woods. It irked Edith to wonder why someone would even build a mansion here. Why Lucille would live so far away from other people, how she could live like this every day. It must've been lonelier than dreading in your own grave alive.

Edith found a rose to sketch and trace, she drew in silence, only listening to her own breathing. How breathing could've been either a frightening thing and a calming thing. Time felt like it went incredibly slow for Edith but in truth, time must've flew past. As the sun rose, Edith could feel the star's warm comforting rays against her back side as she faced away from the sun.

Sometimes when Edith accidentally made a mistake, she would bite her lip and erase it.

The wind soon awakened just like the sun and ran it's fingers through Edith's hair, swishing it around and even into Edith's face! Edith loved her long hair but sometimes found it frustrating to keep it tamed and out of her eyes.

As Edith was neatly sketching another petal of the beautiful rose she felt some disturbing feeling swell up in her stomach. It was like a vomit sensing feeling when you have an idea you're about to vomit but this feeling only made Edith shiver and shudder. This feeling wouldn't be simple to explain if you were to describe it to a person.

Waiting So Long For You || J. The KillerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora