Midnight Monday Night

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That night, Lucille had departed from Edith straight after dinner, excusing herself to be going to bed early. Edith let her, ignoring the pulls of curiosity. She shouldn't stick her nose in where it doesn't belong anyway. Deciding that she should be off to bed also, Edith instead wanted to take a bath before she would do so.

Fearing history would repeat itself and she would see that drowning boy again, Edith still felt unsure about taking a bath. Although she knew she'll have to wash herself sometime. It took all Edith's courage and guts to convince herself that it wouldn't happen again.

After all, she hadn't encountered that ghost girl, husky nor that creature again so it may just be the same with the boy. That was what definitely convinced Edith now.

Here she was, sitting in the bath tub, her legs opened just a little and her long raven hair already soaked and sticking to her back and shoulders. Her white dressing gown hanging on the hook opposite the bath tub and her white night gown still in the drying closet. It would be dry by the time Edith would have finished her bath.

Edith's breasts hidden underwater as she rubbed soap onto her soft smooth skin. She felt proud that she had not been pulled underwater and hallucinated like last time, but she didn't want to trigger it now so she kept quiet.

Edith silently cursed herself for not bringing a radio or something in here so it wouldn't be so quiet and awkward but she guessed she would do it next time. The only sound she could hear was herself moving through the warm bath water. But being in the bath, it gave Edith lots of time to think, to recall the vents and even think throughout all of it. Every event replayed in her head like a movie. Her encounters with the creatures of Purple Haunt. The argument with her and Lucille. The voice of her necklace smashing on the filled Edith's ears and made her flinch. Every now and then, Edith would reach up a hand to touch her necklace, only to find it's not there. Yes, Edith wasn't used to having nothing hanging around her neck. That necklace had been dangling from around her necklace basically her entire life and having nothing there any more. She just felt old, empty, unprotected and even bare.

Time had felt like it had slowed right down but Edith knew she would have to get out sometime. After her thought train came to it's stop, she deciding it must've been her cue to get out while she could. So she did. Cold took over her body as she arose the a warm bath water and stepped out. Edith saw steam rise from her drenched figure as she quickly grabbed her towel and wrapped it around herself, fighting against the cold.

Edith found another towel and wrapped her hair up in a silly turbine to help her long straight hair would dry quicker. After taking in her appearance in the mirror, Edith left the bathroom and started to make her way down the dim hallway towards her bedroom.

Coming through her doorway, she reached over and flicked the light switch. Her room immediately lit up on her command and Edith's eyes squinted a little at the brightness.

Edith tugged hard at the towel wrapped around her body and covering her breasts. Her eyes darted towards the window was again... Open.

Edith knew she should be scared and shocked at the moment but she couldn't lie. She wasn't surprised. Who could it be? The grey creature? Jeff? Some other horrifying creature here to kill her?

Before Edith could think about anything more, she jumped and screamed when her bedroom door slammed shut behind her with a loud echoing slam. Edith twisted right around, the towel almost slipping from her still wet form but saw nothing. A ghost perhaps? Edith wondered. Edith twisted back around, only for her eyes to widen and a scream to be ripped from her lips.

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