Running Dry Black Blood

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Lucille was indeed correct about the fact that Edith wouldn't go to sleep, let alone take another step into her bedroom. What had shocked Lucille more was that Edith refused to go upstairs too! Lucille even took a moment to fear that Edith may attempt running away from Purple Haunt. It would be too dangerous and too much of a risk. They would most likely catch her and kill her if she tried.

So for the rest of the remaining night, Edith spent her time sitting by the fireplace, lost in unknown thought as she watched the flames dance and crackle. Lucille decided to keep Edith under a watchful eye for the night, just in case any more of Them show themselves.

They had shown Themselves far too often and Lucille was all too worried to leave Edith on her own now. But Lucille had to leave Edith some time because she always had to leave for "Important Business".

Lucille was indeed shocked that none of these creatures had harmed the young Edith yet, well, one of them tried. But That One killed anything in sight, even it's own kind if possible. Lucille could only pray that They would not harm her dear niece. But would praying ever help?

When the sun rose, Lucille had left Edith to herself for she had fallen asleep during the night. Lucille knew Edith would most likely be safe in her sleep, besides only One of Them would harm someone in their own sleep, but Lucille hadn't heard from That One in years. So Lucille disappeared into the shadows and left Edith again, on her lonesome, with no certain protection.

Edith's eyes fluttered open eventually. The first thing she felt was her stiff body cracking as she attempted to move. The brightness of the sun almost blinded her. Edith sat up, hearing the horrible cracks of her bone sin the process and found herself on the tiled check board floor of the living room, the tiles now warm for her body heat. Had she fallen asleep here? How? The tiled floor seemed too uncomfortable to sleep on.

Edith's wonder was cut short as she recalled last night. The creature, she realized. Edith's head turned towards the staircase where she remembered the creature last. She could recall the haunting screech of a roar that played through her ears like a haunting jump scare sound. She shivered at picturing the Thing. It's grey flesh that clung tightly to it's bones. The long sharp talons that replaced it's fingers. It's empty eye sockets that burned holes into you. Those jagged but pointy teeth, ready to rip fresh flesh. How it crawled on all fours like a true animal, it sent shivers down Edith's spine. The breath of the creature revolted her and caused vomit to swell up in her stomach. She pushed it down.

Edith slowly got to her feet, her feet shaking and she almost lost her balance but she stayed upright. The sun was up, probably shinning in the middle of the sky for all she knew, but the sun was up bright and warm. What on earth was the time? Edith wondered. It was definitely day, not dawn but maybe the middle of the day.

Edith's white nightgown the only sheet of clothing on her body but she still felt herself burning in it. It sounded like today was going to be a hot day.

Edith carried herself across the tiled floor of the living room and halted before the tall grand staircase. It looked darker and even creepier in the night when it was dark. It almost looked haunted. I wonder why, Edith wondered sarcastically to herself.

Edith seemed hesitant to take a step up the staircase. Why wouldn't she? She had been attacked by the creature beyond imagination upstairs in her bedroom, chased down the hallway and it seemed to claim the almighty staircase with a haunting screech of the Devil.

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