Grinning Demon Feline

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Every now and then, the floorboards creaked under Edith's feet, making her flinch and snap around to look behind her. Of course, there was nothing there and Edith assumed she was just jumpy. The hall kept going and seemed to lead her nowhere. Edith's throat dried as she had not recalled the last time she drank any water. She was indeed thirsty. But no, she couldn't look for water now, not while she is finally out of Jeff's grasp and has the advantage to escape.

The hallway was dim. A light with flies surrounding it and even the flies trying to take all the light for themselves. They buzzed and just looking up at them in the ceiling made Edith want to puke.

Edith's feet were growing tired and were already becoming sore. They wanted a rest. Edith just tried to ignore the pain for now.

Finally, Edith came entered a random room. It was a familiar room. It was the living room. Jeff brought her here once, only a few hours ago and on the couches were many Creepypastas. Now the couches are unoccupied and the living room is empty. Edith wondered where everyone had gone. Not even Eyeless Jack was in the kitchen. The entire room was silent. Almost too quiet. It irked Edith.

Timidly, Edith made her way into the kitchen, feeling invisible eyes watching her every single move as she did so. Edith had a horrible feeling in her stomach. That she wasn't alone in this room. That something or someone was watching. But she knew not of where they were.

Edith found the fridge in the kitchen, in the corner of the room behind the counter. She crept over to it and opened it as silently as possible. As she opened the door, her eyes were met with shelves full of food, or so called food.

Bloody meat, human organs, eyeballs, finger and toes, small friendly animals which were dead, jugs of blood, blood popsicles. Rotten fish, candy and even human body parts! Edith immediately lost her appetite. Her previous eaten apple from before making it's way back up to her throat. Edith rushed over to the sink where she hung her head over it and puked over the apple tasting vomit. Edith's hair hung loosely in front of her face and she swore she got some vomit in her hair. Disgusting, she thought.

It took a few minutes for Edith to recover from the horrific looking sight in the fridge and she scavenged over a cup or glass. She luckily found a small cute clear glass out from one of the cupboards and went to fill it in the sink with cold water. Thankfully the tape ran clear healthy water which honestly surprised Edith. Once satisfied with a glass of water in her hand, she made her way out of the kitchen, but stopped dead on the spot at what she saw sitting on the back of the couch cushions on top of one of the couches.

It was a cat.

No ordinary cat. This one looked different from other cats. It's fur was as black as the midnight sky, it's fur looking smooth and shiny and even fluffy. It's eyes glowed a dangerous blood red and it's pupils were tightened down into dangerously thin slits. It's tail was long, slick and flexible. It's little nose was black, blending in with it's fur and a few white whiskers sprouted from its cheeks.

The cat was thin and fit, not at all fat but it didn't seem to eat much either.

The world seemed to freeze around the two of them. Edith and the cat. The cat was positioned in a fancy sitting position like all other normal cats. But it watched her with a strong stare, it's slit eyes staring right into her soul. Edith felt heavy and in the spotlight under this feline's stare and she started to walk past it, glancing at it as she did while questions of the cat spun in her head.

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