Eight Aged Voice

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After Lucille's little dark "confession" was revealed to Edith, she wasn't sure of what to think of any more. Dinner had continued in at least a comfortable silence and it wasn't difficult for Lucille to tell that Edith didn't know what to think. Edith was partly puzzled by what Lucille meant by the dog was long dead. She saw the dog with her own eyes, in the flesh. It's barks so real, it looked so real. The first thought that came to Edith's mind was that this husky dog she found was probably a ghost. After all, the dog did vanish. Although the dog didn't look like a ghost but she had never seen a ghost, let alone an animal ghost before.

Perhaps Edith's thoughts that this mansion was most likely haunted were correct. But she wondered why a husky dog would haunt a mansion like this. Edith was mentally drowning in all the questions that swarmed her mind.

The rest of the night was quiet, Edith spent most of her night reading. Lucille had disappeared off to who knows where but Edith estimated that she went to her studies. Lucille informed Edith that she is usually locked up in her studies often, it somehow didn't surprise the young Edith. She had a feeling her widow auntie wouldn't be around often.

Since Edith has moved to a different town, she would be starting at a new high school. School would start when the holidays were finished which would be a few weeks. Edith only liked school because she got to learn new things there but lots of people often bullied her and harassed her. Although Edith never let them drag her down.

Now, Edith was currently still reading her book called "Sanctuary" by the famous author Nora Roberts. Edith was comfortably seated in one of the black Gothic armchairs, a leg over the other and book wide open. In the corner of her eye she could see the fire place crackling and blazing. The heat radiated off the fire place and smacked Edith's face. Edith was enjoying herself before there was a voice.

"Play with me."

This wasn't Lucille's voice at all. This voice was a voice of a little girl. Sounding no older than eight with a begging voice. The voice reverberated in Edith's ears and made her look around the room. There was no little girl around. Edith's heart sped up in slight panic as she trusted her eyes to search the room. There was no one there. Her mind then wandered over to the husky dog. Another ghost? It must be there is no one here, Edith thought.

The little girl's voice sounded once more. She didn't speak but Edith heard little giggling echoing in every direction. Edith closed the book and stood up. The giggling got louder and closer, causing Edith to look around, her eyes darting everywhere in their socket but spotting no one.

"Edith dear?"

Edith couldn't help but let out a gasp of surprise at the familiar voice of Lucille. She spun around to see Lucille standing at the finale step of the staircase, looking down on her like she was insane. Edith looked around for the little girl once more, again not seeing her before turning her attention back to her auntie. The giggling was no longer echoing through her ears, it seemed to have been cut off when she heard Lucille's voice interrupt.

"Is something the matter?" Lucille couldn't help but ask. For the first time she met her, Edith could see worry and concern in Lucille's monotone colored eyes. Edith felt her heart beat slowing down to it's normal beat and the relief wash over her in waves.

"Yes, yes. I am well." Edith lied forcing a smile to her Lucille. Lucille smiled back at Edith before making her way down the stairs, glancing at her niece as she did so. Once she reached the bottom step, she looked over to the grandfather clock in the corner of the living room.

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