What They Really Want

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 "So, where's first stop, Edith?" Adam's sudden voice pulled Edith from her hungry thoughts. She had previously been thinking of all the good foods that would in town. She had once heard from her good friend Walter Bolman that this town's dairy sold the best ice creams. Edith would really believe it if she tasted an ice cream. She had also heard that the town was small and peaceful, the kind of towns that she liked. Edith didn't like being in those loud, messy cities where trash sometimes littered the ally ways, cars would always fill up the roads and the city air was usually never healthy to breathe in. She sometimes wondered how people could live in such a habitat.

Adam and her had been driving for 20 minutes now. They weren't far from the town, probably another 10 or so minutes. Edith's stomach groaned in hunger at her starving thoughts of delicious food. Ice cream, pancakes, fruit salad, so much more. Her stomach groaned as she imagined them in perfect detail and imagined the taste. It really didn't help the hunger in her tummy. She felt embarrassed by it, so embarrassed she attempted to clutch her stomach to at least quiet the groaning. She silently cursed herself for being so childish and acting as such.

"Can we perhaps stop at a cafe?" She asked putting on a fake smile to cover up her embarrassment. Adam's eyes seemed to be trained on the road the entire time, especially when he had suddenly started the conversation with his question. He glanced over to her, checking her face with question in his eyes. Edith felt heat come to her cheeks, a way of telling her she was blushing. She felt stupid.

"Sure. But, didn't you ever have breakfast this morning?" He asked concern visible in his tone. His head bobbed up and as a nod and his gaze turn it's concentration back to the road.

The terrain around them was farmland. Dry green grass, some empty patches and some brown patches that hadn't had water for months. No trees were seen for maybe miles and no animals were around. It was the kind of farmland that hadn't been owned as farmland by farmers yet. It was most likely an abandoned land of the country. No people were around for miles. Purple Haunt was probably the only house around in these lands. Again, Edith couldn't help but wonder how lonely it would be to live in such an abandoned area. She lived in the middle of the woods which weren't far from the farm lands. But again, she had Adam around who did visit her sometimes and Edith didn't know where he lived.

"I, overslept. I had quite a tiring night last night and I did not have much time to have food." Edith replied sheepishly with a shrug of her shoulders. She cracked a little smile at him. Adam looked over at her, gave her an understanding and reassuring smile before looking forward again. The road stretched as far as the eye could see. It kept going straight and the blue Toyota seemed to be the only vehicle on the lonely farm road. Adam could drive his truck in the middle of the road if he wished. No other cars were coming.

"Hmm okay then." He shrugged and with that, continued driving.

They continued in silence as the blue Toyota continued down the long unwinding road. Edith turned her head to face the window like she done before and watched as the farmland flew past her.


"Edith, wake up."

Edith jolted awake, her snapping open to see the face of Adam right in her face, his eyes shinning with concern. She had fallen asleep, again. How long had she been asleep for? Edith sat up in her car seat while Adam gave her space. Instead of in the middle of the farmland where Edith last remembered where they were, they were parked outside a nice looking building that looked like a restaurant.

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