Back From The Dead

Start from the beginning

With that, Arthur turned on his heels, and began to walk back.

"You have failed, Arthur."

Arthur turned his head to watch Uther disappear before walking back to the real world, mounting his horse, and riding back to Camelot. 



Arthur jolted out of his thoughts when he saw Merlin standing in front of him, placing his dinner down. 

"Yes Merlin?" Arthur asked as he picked up his fork.

"Were you able to meet with your mother?" Merlin asked as he stood back and patiently watched Arthur eat. 

Arthur sighed, placed his fork down, and placed his head in his hands. "No, I can only talk to my father."

Merlin visibly paled at this, and swallowed before asking his next question. 

"Did you look back when you were leaving?"

Arthur didn't answer, and a crash from the hallway made both of them jump in shock. Merlin sighed, knowing that Arthur let Uther's spirit roam free. Again. 


"YOU DID WHAT?!?" Giaus yelled at the two friends. 

"I might have released Uther's spirit again," Arthur winced under the physician's stare.

Giaus sighed before turning to his wife. Alice looked at him, confusion clear on his face.

"Alice, can you help me make some potions that will help these two see Uther's spirit?" Giaus asked.

"Of course," Alice said, before rushing off. 

"Get the horn and meet me back here," Giaus said as he walked after his wife. "We will get rid of Uther's spirit again."

Both men nodded before rushing off to Arthur's chambers. 


"Merlin," Arthur began as they walked back towards Giaus' chambers. "Do you think that I've failed as a king?"

Merlin stumbled in surprise before turning towards Arthur. "What on Earth gave you that ridiculous thought?!?"

"My father thinks that I've failed as a king," Arthur muttered, looking down.

"I can't believe you right now!" Arthur looked up at his friend. "Yes, you have broken many of your father's laws; letting Gwen become Queen, making common folk knight, and legalizing sorcery. But don't you see? Because of your decisions, we have a strong and fair Queen, Morgana and Mordred are no longer against us, and we have one of the best army's in all of the Kingdoms!"

"And you no longer have to live in fear of being discovered and dying," Arthur brought up, earning a grin from Merlin.


Arthur laughed, but it was cut short when they entered Giaus' chambers. He was standing there solemnly, holding out two vials.

"Here," Giaus said, handing them the vials. "They taste horrendous, but they will help you see Uther's spirit."

With one look at each other, the two friends took the vials, chugged them down, and grimaced at the taste. Thanking Giaus, the two of them rushed out of the chambers, looking for Uther.


"Where do you think Uther is?" Merlin asked as the two of them ran towards the throne room.

"The throne room, of course!" Arthur yelled back as if Merlin was an idiot.

"Of course," Merlin huffed. 

Merlin let out a little shriek as he felt something drag him to the ground. 


Arthur turned around just in time to see Uther's spirit drag Merlin down the hallway and towards the courtyard. Arthur yelled after his father and began to chase after them. 

"The horn Arthur!" Merlin screamed. "Use the horn!"

Realization hit Arthur as he grabbed the horn, and blew into it. Uther's spirit suddenly stopped moving and cried out in pain. The cry slowly faded into nothing as Uther's spirit dissipated into thin air. Both Arthur and Merlin sighed in relief as Arthur helped Merlin up.

"What should we do with this?" Arthur asked, looking at the horn.

"Burn it," Merlin replied.


Both Merlin and Arthur watched as Merlin threw the horn into the fireplace. As they watched it burn they heard Gwaine walk by, talking to Percival.

"Yeah, Percy, I wish that I met him. If only there was some way that I could see his spirit."

Arthur and Merlin looked worriedly at each other, and Merlin made sure that the horn burned until it was nothing more than a pile of ashes.  

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