Chapter 11: Plans

Start from the beginning

“Ha is it that good” she laughed

“He goes down like every morning” I giggled

“Whelp that's how men are” she giggled

“But I just feel really antsy like I want us to get married and have a family like when will my time come you know” I sighed sitting on the chair

“Aww Cori don't rush it your time will come probably sooner than you think” she cheered

“Everyone is saying that but I don’t know mann” I pouted

“Has he ever mentioned marriage to you”? She asked

“Umm I don' t recall that's why I'm like nigga what are we doing I don’t want to play house for the rest of my life I want the real thing you know “I explained

“Yeah I feel you but certain things come at a different rate so just be calm, cool you know good things come to those who wait” Lisa cheered

“Yeah I guess you're right” I smiled


I got out the car and walked into the store I looked around and looked for Jordan. I saw him talking to some woman. I waited behind her patiently waiting for him to be finished with her.

“Aye Jordan wassup? I smiled

“H-hey Chres? He said nervously. I grabbed my wallet to pull out my card I was gonna pay for the ring and I was ready. “Ok show me the ring”? I asked

“The ring is gone Chres” He sighed

“WHAT THE FUCK, WHAT DO YOU MEAN THE RING IS GONE” I asked trying hard not to punch him dead in the face I balled up my fist and paced back and forth.

“So did you sell or what the hell happened it just magically disappeared? I asked

“My partner sold it he didn’t know it was yours even though I placed it to the side” he explained


“I'm sorry Chres I can give your money back that you gave me for the down payment” he slightly grinned trying to lighten me up.

“I WANT MY MONEY BACK NOW, YOU HAD ONE JOB JORDAN ONE JOB” I shouted he went in his drawer and pulled out the envelope and handed it to me I snatched it and left out the store. I stormed down the street into I bumped into some random nigga.

“Yo watch where the fuck you going” I spat

“Nigga you wasn’t even paying attention” he spat looking at me I stared at him harder because he looked familiar

“Ha you're Cori's little boyfriend” he scoffed now I remember it was that I got in a fight at the gym a long time ago named Quazey

“Far from little nigga fuck outta here” I snapped

“Tell her she was great” He smirked walking away.

“You bitch ass nigga” I shouted walking away. I was heated and livid and I couldn’t believe Jordan could be so fucking irresponsible now I have to find another ring for her. I drove to the store and grabbed her favorite soup and got her some medication for the cold.

1 hour later…..

I stormed in the house threw the bag on the counter and sat on the couch. I closed my eyes trying to calm down I breathed in and out and exercise my anger management coach told me. Cori came out with her robe and tea.

“It's about damn time you brought my shit I thought I was about to die” she joked taking out the medicine. I just ignored her I didn’t want to take my anger out on her.

She took out the medicine and stared at it “Ahh man you got the wrong kind I wanted Nyquil” she pouted

“Well why don’t you go get it yourself” I whispered

“What was that’? She turned around facing me. “What's wrong with you? She asked calmly

“Pshhh nothing” I said running my fingers through my curls

“Obviously something is wrong I can tell plus, you keep clenching your jaw and shaking your foot something you do when you’re mad” she explained sitting next to me

“Cori just leave me alone for now I'll make your soup later” I said calmly hoping I didn’t hurt her feelings. She rolled her eyes and got up “I'll just make it myself” she scoffed walking to the kitchen. I watched her take the can of soup and pour in on the pot.

I was still mad I felt like a complete failure that I couldn’t get the ring I wanted for her I couldn’t even tell her why I was upset. I got up and paced back and forth I balled up my fist and punched the wall. “Fuck” I yelled Cori jumped and turned around looking at me.

“What the hell Chres” She screamed “You better patch that fucking hole back up cuz I'm not paying for damages go outside with that shit” she slammed the pot down and went in the room. I  ran my hand under some cold water.

“Shit this stings” I shouted “Okay Calm down Chres calm down calm down” I said to myself. I dried my hand off and I turned the burner back on once the soup boiled I placed it in the bowl. I grabbed a spoon and placed it on a stand. I walked into the room and saw here laying down texting on her phone.

“I finished making your soup” I smiled placing the tray on the bed. She got up and raised her brow at me “Thank you” she said taking a sip of her soup.

“I can't really tell you why I'm upset but I blew my steam off when I punched the wall” I explained smiling her way she rolled her eyes. “Well go patch that hole back up… and stop punching your hands in things you’re not the incredible hulk you know” she joked grabbing my hand

“Look at all these cuts and scars you're gonna hurt yourself” she worried

Jordan you had one fucking job bruh

Poor Chres Smh

Quazey is a liar and annoying as shit 

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