Chapter 1: Who?

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“You can’t make me!” I exclaim and fold my arms across my chest. Nicki’s eyes went up past my shoulder and a seductive smile spread over her red lips. I frowned and narrowed my eyes, “Nicola I haven’t drunken enough for you to eye rape me without notice,” I continued and she hit me on the shoulder and spun me around.

“Look,” she said and pointed across my shoulder. Oh dear lord! She did have eyes for style! Look at that book!!!!

“I can’t believe it!” I exclaim and she giggled.

“I know right, I’m amazing!”

“More than amazing! Bloody hell, I’ve been looking for that for a whole year!”

“Ever since 2010 for me mate,” she continued dreamily. I laughed and brushed her hands off my shoulders, “What are you doing!” She exclaimed suddenly nervous and latched back onto me like I might be her shield against some evil force.

“Ahh. I’m going to get it,” I state and brushed her off again walking over to where the book was and tried to make my way past a guy. “Excuse me,” I say and go on my tippy toes to pass the guy before stumbling and bracing myself on the shelf. I chuckled and mumbled an apology quickly before picking up the book, Shadows.

I turned around and went on my tippy toes, to try and see Nicki. She was talking to the guy who I’d passed only moments ago. Some bronze god sculpture that walked and talked by the looks, They’ll be perfect for each other, I think and chuckle to myself.

“Yeah sure,” he said and she got out her camera. I frowned and shrugged it off, turning back to the book I had in my hands. As crazy as it seemed, I didn’t have a copy. Shadows. It made me smile with pride.

“Hey,” someone said and I swung around to meet the warm blue gaze of a guy.

“Hey!” I replied warmly. There was a slight silence and he looked like he was halfway through fighting whether to say something or not. I took the bull by the horns and cut the awkwardness, “No pressure, but you should buy this book,” I say with a warm smile and held it out in his direction.

“Shadows?” He stated and brushed his fingers against mine as he took it in his grasp. I bit down on my bottom lip and suddenly felt giddy in the stomach. “I’ve never heard of the author before,” he said looking at the back of it. I took note of the crazy mess of curls on his head.

“She’s kind of new,” I reply, “But as third objective party-ly as possible, it’s a good book,” I continue.

“Looks interesting,” he continued and smiled at me. Suddenly Nicki was at my side and beaming up at the guy in front of me like a little kid in front of the candy store she just found out was hers. I looked from her to him slightly confused,

“You two know each other or something?” I ask laughing lightly.

“I know you, you’re like an idol!” She exclaimed not taking her eyes off him.

“Nicki what did I tell you about eye raping strangers,” I say breaking the awkward tension. She laughed as well as him and I discovered the laugh he had. A deep infectious, HA-HA-HA. He asked if she wanted a photo.

“Yes please!” She said and pushed the camera in my hand. Alright, so obviously I’m missing something. Is he in some movie? “I’ve been a missive fan since 2010!” Nicki continued she fumbled with the buttons on her camera when I handed it back to her. I turned to my left and flicked through another book I saw, not completely sure who this guys was, let alone why Nicki wanted a photo with him.

They chatted warmly for a moment before he held up the book, “I’m just glad I have something to read for the flight from London to LA,” he said smiling at me.

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