Final Author's Note

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December  2017

So this is the end of the book. I just wanted to say thank you for reading it and commenting and voting on  it. When I first published it, I never dreamed it would get over 100k reads.  So thank you guys so much.  Love all of you.

Please check out my other stories( only if you want to of course).

I was going to write some other 'spinoffs' of some chapters but I decided not to.I was also going to do part twos more chapters but I felt as if they did not need part twos. If you wanted them, I'm sorry.

I am really sorry that these updates took so long. School and wrestling got in the way of my schedule. Thank you so much for being patient. Hope my writing is good enough that it was worth the wait.

This book is complete, however, if inspiration for a chapter strikes, I will write it and publish it here.

If you ever want to talk about anything, My PM box is always open.

As always

-Rebecca AKA thebestestturtle

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