A Percabeth Christmas Story

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A/n: So you all probably think I suck, so in the hopes of making it up to you, I wrote a super super long one-shot. I have never written a one-shot before, so be patient( if I write more one-shots they should get better). Also I have written part 2's for Lee Bryn, Kayla Allen, and John Blue. I also wrote an unrelated Fredrick Chase with #persassabeth, Tristan McLean ( a Jiper one),  Alvin Michaels( the one who kissed the pizza girl in Stewart mimer), And few others such as a Traitie, Caleo, Solangelo, and Frazel. All of those should be published VERY SOON AND SHORTLY AFTER THIS GETS PUBLISHED.  Hope you forgive me ,lol.

This story might have topics that might be offensive or triggering, so I apologize in advance. There will be lots of Fluff. Man, I love my fluffiness. It is also pretty sad.

Anywhooo, there is a meeting of the Leo whale watching club on my message board.Please, Join us( by us I mean me and Leo)where there will be NO hating or judging of you and your opinions. your opinions will be valued and respected as well as appreciated. Now I will start the meeting and the meeting and field trip will occur in the replies to my original message. DO NOT GET MAD IF YOU ARE SPAMMED. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Listen to the song above when say to

One last thing ( i promise) this occurs when percabeth are 19 and married. Before you get to the actual Christmas part, there is a little back story.  this is also probably super cliche in the Percy Jackson fandom. I apologize if some people are out of Character. Some decisions are made out of anger and too much pride .  I'm, sure they wouldn't actually behave this way for some parts but it works for the story.so Just bear with me.

Now le Story

Sally Pov

*One Month ago*

Annabeth had asked me to accompany her to a doctor's appointment. I had agreed and no here we were in the doctor's office, in the exam room and she was getting a yearly checkup. The doctor had checked her ears, nose, eyes and throat. He was currently checking her spine to see if she had a disorder in it. "Mrs. Jackson, could you please come with me so we can do a few x-rays and a couple of other tests, just to make sure everything is functioning properly."  the doctor said. Annabeth got up quietly and followed the doctor out the door. About 20 minutes later , the doctor and Annabeth came back into the room. The doctor sat on his stool and Annabeth took her place on the exam table. " I did a quick look over the results and everything seems to be in order, but they need a few more moments to develop further, then i will look over them again and let you know. " the doctor stated. "ok" Annabeth mumbled. There is something off with her today.

*this time skip to ten minutes later wants a turtle and would like the world to know that it made turkey salad and pumpkin pie from scratch on thanksgiving and it was muy delicioso.*

the doctor came back in quietly." Mrs. Jackson........." I looked up forgetting that he was talking to Annabeth." All of your bones are in perfect condition and your vital organs work fine. There is no blockage in your arteries, but were you aware that you were pregnant?"  the doctor continued. Pregnant? okay then............ I was not expecting this today. A barely audible groan was heard from Annabeth  followed by an even quieter no. (A/n: I should be mean and just leave it here, leaving you wanting more. so you'll hate me now instead of later .lol) "Well that is all , Mrs. Jackson. Do be careful in activities and try to avoid things that may cause stress as it could harm the development of the baby. And some follow up appointments are preferred so that we can help you further." The doctor said. The doctor exited the room quietly.

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