Chapter 4 - A New Life

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QUESTION!! So.. It's clear already now, that my chapters tend to be long. So I wanted to hear - how do you all like this? Should I cut down on the length, or is it fine as is? - Can't promise I'll be able to make it much longer than it already is though, so that's not really an option I'm afraid.. Let me hear what you think!

I apologize for any grammar errors that I have made! Read and Review!
Disclaimer: Tite Kubo and Hiro Mashima are the owners of both characters and partly the plotline, not me. Unfortunately.


Seeing this other cat-like person's intimidating gaze on her, Lucy quickly jumped up to her feet, ignoring the jab of pain from her back - where the bat-like person had grabbed her. She watched, standing almost completely still as he turned to her fully.

"Didn't I tell you to fucking hold him?" He asked angrily. "You made me lose that damn shithead!" He almost yelled at her.

She furrowed her eyebrows and sent him a glare. "They were going to kill me if I didn't let go - you can't blame me for that." She argued. That one's 'Cero' had been aimed right at her forehead. She'd have been dead if she hadn't moved, that's for sure.

"Like I give a damn." He shot back. Though he seemed to accept the reasoning, it didn't calm his irritation at all. That much was clear when he began walking forward slowly and very threateningly. "Who the hell are you even supposed to be?" He asked.

She inwardly rolled her eyes. Could he really not find a more polite way of asking that question? "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm Lucy Heartfilia." She stated as he kept coming closer.

She was just about to add that she was from Fairy Tail, but then she wasn't sure if that would even change anything at all in her given situation. She didn't have any proof either, since she lost the insignia.

An evil smirk spread on his face as he began circling her slowly. "Well, you see, Lucy Heartfilia-" He licked his lips and teeth like a predator would when they'd found their prey. "Since I didn't get any bats for dinner, I'm now very hungry." He told her, watching her hungrily.

Her mind froze completely at the implications. Shit. It took her a fraction of a second, before she began circling around him as well - she would not let him get behind her. Now.. She just had to think. And quickly.

"Let me at least know who you are first." She said. A desperate attempt to at least give herself a little more time to come up with something. Because she definitely couldn't run away from him. He was probably faster than she was, especially when she was injured. And she couldn't fight him either. She could feel he was much stronger than she was. The difference between them was as big as it had been between herself and Gildarts. She wouldn't win a match between the two of them at any point in time.

Clearly realizing what she was doing, he sent her a look which basically screamed 'you really wanna do this?'. Then he decided to play along. "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez." He told her, copying her. He was literally just playing around with her now. He was that certain of his victory. Not that she wasn't.

She growled at herself in frustration. She couldn't even come up with anything to ask him now. Not to mention how to come out of this situation alive. What the hell could she even do in this situation?

Seeing that she didn't even have any more questions to fire off at him, he stopped up and turned towards her, smirking "And I've gotten a sudden craving for cute, little kittens." He warned her, before springing into motion. He moved much faster than she remembered from before, because suddenly, she found herself lying on the ground painfully. He was standing with both of his front paws planted firmly on her side, squashing her between the paws and the ground. "Say your last words, Kitten." He hissed, his mouth and sharp teeth hovering near her neck threateningly.

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