Magcon Not Breaking Up; 4/19/14

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Happy late birthday, Ryland Lynch! 4/17/14

So, yesterday the One Direction You & I music video was released!

Honestly, I expected more from it. The boys looked kind of bored through out it all. :/

It was a good video though with many cute moments.

I'm not going to list everything I liked or thought was cute from it, because this entry would be way too long. ^~^

Ok fine Harry's run was cute.

And them jumping into those still frame things was cute.

And transitions were cool, especially when Harry turned into Zayn, and Zayn turned into Louis.

Ok that's all I'm going to say, I swear. I'm forcing myself to stop.

Anywho, yesterday I also found out something very tragic...

I don't think you guys can handle this information.... Justttttt kiddingggggg.

I had found out that Carter Reynolds (CARTAH! ): ), Nash Grier, Hayes Grier, Cameron Dallas, and Shawn Mendes are leaving Magcon.

Excuse me while I go and cry again.

Carter, Nash, Hayes, and Cameron are signed to Nash and Hayes's father's management thing for acting. (I'm surprised Matthew Espinosa isn't signed also because he wants to be an actor.)

Shawn is going on tour with Austin Mahone. (Fangirling still, this is just so amazing for him.)

As Nash said in his YouTube video explaining everything that's happening, he's finally going to be doing what he actually wants to do and he's happy.

He also said that Magcon isn't breaking up, they will still be family and stay connected, which made me more at ease.

Besides, its not like I can ever go to Magcon or meet any of them. :/ cx

Ok I'm sorry, I just have an unhealthy obsession over the Magcon boys.

Oh one last thing, apparently #cutformagcon or something was trending on Twitter.

I was honestly so mad. They were tweeting pictures of them cutting (who knows if it was real though). Like seriously?? Don't cut just for attention. There's people who actually go through that everyday.

At least I know that Matthew hates when they do that too.

Sorry if this was boring or annoying to you.

I needed some place to let some of my emotions out, because I don't know anyone who will listen to me rant about this stuff. :P

THANKS FOR OVER 100 READS ON Happily Never After !!

I didn't think many people would be interested in those poems. :3

I'll leave now ok.


I'm Going To Go Marvel Over My New Profile Some More

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now