So Random; 1/14/14

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Today shall be another short blog because we have semester exams tomorrow and my mom is making me study for one of the exams that isn't even tomorrow 😒

Speaking of my mom, I'm super annoyed at her right now

Long story short: she isn't letting me practice for one of my band tests, isn't letting me study for my ELA exams that are tomorrow (she's making me study for history instead), and she was timing me for a bunch of stuff that I was doing which was weird and annoying.

And yes, I actually want to study for once.

Has the world gone mad?


I'm so tired right now!!

And it's not even that late. My brain is strange.

I should be hyper since I ate cake, ice cream, chocolate, and drank soda 😜

Ugh my vision is being weird.

It always does this weird thing that I can't explain, but it's been doing it all day.

It's like the room is spinning and my eyes can't focus on anything o.o

My glasses have failed me! Kidding

What the heck am I talking about??

Awww man my mom is coming -.-

Ok I'm back again!

Sooooooooo I went to the dentist today. It sucked.

And my teeth still feel gross from the floride stuff o.o

I read part of a book on here today and the part I read was SUPER sad.

The book was Married To A Lynch.

I'm not gonna say the part that was sad though because I don't wanna be a spoiler :p

I'mmmmmmmmmm sooooooooooooooo boreddddddddd.

History vocabulary isn't entertaining.

Hard to imagine, huh? Kidding

🎤We will find our way through the dark🎤

I have that song stuck in my head.

It's Through The Dark by One Direction....... if ya didn't know.

🎤I'm gonna be the last one standing!🎤

And I have that song stuck in my head.

It's Last One Standing by Simple Plan.

I listened to so much Simple Plan today. It was weird.

I feel like I'm talking about nothing really right now.

I should probably shut up.

My eyes hurt. And my head.

This blog was so random.

Hey, So Random used to be a Disney Channel show!


That was off of one of the skits on there.

And Sterling Knight used to be on that show.

I wonder what he looks like now......... I wonder if he's still cute.

Ok now I'll really shut up.

Please comment if you read this!!

I feel like I only have one reader 😔




Ok I seriously need sleep, bye!

Wish me luck on my finals tomorrow!

Whoop whoop, half days!!

For today's blog being short it really wasn't........


A Tired Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now