Idek; 3/4/14

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Today sucked.

Ok it wasn't that bad I guess.

After school is what was the worse.

Gonna skip school... blah blah blah... preforming a monologue... blah blah blah... almost falling asleep in class... blah blah... free dress... you get the point.

I found out that I got all accelerated classes next year like last year and this year! Me and other people started getting excited and happy that we all got accelerated. Till I remembered I'm switching schools. Only three people at my school know that I'm leaving so ya :/

Ugh why do I keep bringing that up?!?!?

Welp, after school I had to go to the orthodontist. And he gave me rubber bands for my braces.


But luckily you can't see them well...

The bands will be my death if school or Magcon boys don't kill me first.

I swear though like every day I become more and more obsessed with each of them.

Somebody save me from this dark hole of fangirling I have fallen into. Jk

I forgot to do my topic. Again.

I probably won't update tomorrow. I have a pre-festival rehearsal for band, play at a basketball game for band, then homework.

If I'm lucky I'll be able to eat dinner somewhere in all of that.

Goodbye fellow humans!

Idek o.o

(But tank you for putting up with my weirdness... k? K :D)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now