Quotes; 3/15/14

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Yesterday was my friend's birthday, so happy late birthday to him! cx

Ok wellllllll, I actually convinced my parents to get me out if the house today! And I actually did a decent amount of homework today! 😱


Well..... ya!

I can't wait till I see the movie in a week!!!!

I'm 100 pages away from finishing Insurgent 😱

Ok so if you have read or are reading the Divergent trilogy, comment what faction you would best fit into! Don't just say your Divergent. Basically everyone is :/

I would be in Amity!

But I love Dauntless's cloths.

Sorry, this is all over the place. *face palm*

I just realized that I dressed exactly like Candor today 😱

Ok I'm seriously obsessed now. Someone save me!!!!!! jk

Onto the topic for today o.o

Quotes (sorry that they are kind of depressing =S )

"There comes a day where everyone's happiness ends. Everyone's. But it's up to them on how they deal with it." -Me

"Pain is not forever, even though that's how it seems. Suicided is forever, cutting your life's seams." -Me

"You see that girl? She looks so happy, right? Telling jokes, smiling, having a good time, and... dying inside. She's hurt. And tired. Tired of all the drama, tired of not being good enough, tired of life. But she doesn't want to look dramatic, weak and attention seeking. So she keeps it all inside. Acts like everything is perfect but cries at night. So everyone thinks she is the happiest person they know. That she had no problems and her life is perfect. If only they knew the truth..." -Unknown

"I'm strong, but I break." -Unknown

"Breaks my heart to see girls who cut and who are having suicidal thoughts. Everything gets better. I promise. Tomorrow is a new day. ☺️" -Matthew Espinosa

"No no, please don't cry. You won't always feel so broken." -Unknown

"That feeling that you get when you don't even know what the fuck you're feeling." -Unknown

"I really want to talk to someone about my thoughts and feelings. But I can't." -Unknown

"I don't know if I'm getting better or just used to the pain." -Unknown

"Actually, I just woke up one day and decided I didn't want to feel like that anymore, or ever again. So I changed. Just like that." -Unknown


I love yall for reading this!! Kay? Kay.

I probably won't be updating because tomorrow I have to go to my cousin's farm. Eww.... ok sorry.

"Here's a peace sign going out to all my haters." -Sunset Blvd by Emblem3 ✌️

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now