15 Hour Challenge; 2/22/14

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So I found these two fifteen day challenges on Google, and they looked cool, so I decided to do them for today's blog!

Except I changed it to fifteen hour challenges. So every hour today, until it gets really late or if I'm not able to get on wifi or Internet, I will be posting answers to the questions. What ever ones I don't get to tonight I will post tomorrow morning all at the same time.

Sound good! Good because I'm doing it anyways 😁

Hour One

Describe yourself in three words.

Random, shy... mood swings? I guess that's the best way to put my confusing emotions. 😄

How you would describe the perfect guy.

Preferably blonde hair and blue eyes, but that's not always the case. Someone who can make me laugh, is kind and caring, smart, who makes me feel special, and who I can feel comfortable being myself around (because that's rare for me around many people).

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now