Band Trip; 3/30/14

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I'm just going to get straight to the point here, so yeah! Sorry of this is boring :/ This is mostly just for me to remember this event also.

3/28/14 Band Field Trip

So! Today we went on a band field trip since we weren't able to go to California for band, as stated earlier.

We went to a buffet and went to see the Blue Man Group!

The bus to the casino was fun for the most part. The boys a grade above me where being horny pervs as always 😄

Then we went to the buffet. I had to sit with three other people from my group, so I sat with Natalie, Allan and tall Jonathan. (I know only two people on here know who they are, but like I said, this is a way for me to remember this.)

Allan and Jonathan were actually pretty funny. When they are together (because they are best friends), they actually aren't all shy and quiet. lol

I got too full and drank too much soda. I surprisingly ate no dessert! 😱 hehe

When we got out of the buffet, there was kinda like a parade going around the casino advertising the Blue Man Group. It was pretty cool. I can't really explain all the light up things and instruments they had. Lol

Then we went to the show. It was so cool! I had never been to it before, so that made it even funner.

When we were waiting to go into the show, basically everyone in my group was being pervs this time because of a stripper. Ya, I know. It's weird.

The people in my group was me, Natalie, Allan, tall Jonathan, Alec, Kendal, Zaylee (idk how to spell her name), Rashara (idk how to spell her name too), Myles, two guys a grade above me that I didn't know, Stephanie, and someone else that i can't remember. Lol

In the show, I was sitting next to Natalie and Allan. I was really crazy, so Allan probably thinks "little quiet Crystal" is a complete nut job, now. 😁

Before the show started, i was taking a bunch of random videos. People thought I was taking selfies >.< hehe

(I never knew that my voice is that high! Or maybe the video made it sound high. Or it was all the caffeine in me.)

Then the show started. It was so random and weird and funny and awesome. But the Blue Men look like stalker aliens that wanna kill you! No lie!! haha

I can't really go into detail about what happened throughout the show. But they did allow us to video tape the end of it, which was supposed to be a "dance party".

At the end, a bunch of toilet paper type stuff came flying at us. All of the people from my band class were taking it and wearing it, including me. Free souvenirs!

But the people made us through it away. 😒

Then we got on the bus back to school, where all the adults were making us be quiet. They were probably too tired *talks in a baby voice*. 😄

And ya! That was a very bad description of my trip!

Sorry that this was probably very very boring and confusing.

Comment if you have ever seen the Blue Man Group!

Gotta go do homework late at night. Ugh.


A Tired Tired Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now