Sick and Videos; 1/15/14

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Hola there!

Sooooooooooooooo today I stayed home sick. It was weird. I wasn't sick yesterday but I got really sick in the middle of the night.

And, of course, the only day I stay home sick this year is on the first day of exams 😑

My wonderful luck, huh? Kidding.

Right now I'm watching my favorite episode of Austin and Ally. It's the Tunes and Trials one.

I love Steal Your Heart 😇

So yeah!

WHO SAW THE Forget About You by R5 MUSIC VIDEO TODAY?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Ok sorry FGM (Fan Girl Moment) 😍😂

Well anyways, my topic today is another YouTube video!

This one is by Matt Espinosa and it's called Reasons Why I Hate School.

I'm gonna do what I did last time and say my favorite parts of it in chronological order

So here it is!

-Matt's shirt

-His voice

-His hair

-Part where he says girls call you thirsty

-Part where he says teachers yell at you for no reason

-Part where he says that one kid is always behind you at lunch

-His weird tounge thing at the same part

-His laugh

-Where he clicks his pen so much (I was laughing so freakin much at this part xD)

-He pretends to chew gum

-His facial expression after talking about couples

-Pretending to be girls

-Where he says what will happen if you remind the teacher of homework


Watch the video!

It's over there! --------------------->>>

It's like, sooooooooooo awesome *sounds like a valley girl* 😄

Well that's it!

I have to get back to a ton of history vocabulary.

Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 😓

I just found out that giraffes don't make any noise!

Did yall know that??

I'm probably the only one who didn't.

I'm super hungry.

Ok sorry I'll shut up now bye!

Btw I updated I Want You Bad, today! Please check it out!


A Sick Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now