Awkward; 12/28/13

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Well hello there. I was expecting you. -Strokes cat like an evil guy-

Just kidding. I don't even like cats and I'm allergic to them. I would be stroking a cute little puppy that would kiss you to death and eat your slippers.

That's right. Be scared of my fierce puppy wuppy.

ALL RIGHTY THEN...........

The topic for the moment is eating in public. Sounds like a weird, crazy, and slightly mental topic, I know. Just give it a second.

You know the moment when your eating in a restraunt and a really cute guy walks by? And you have like a big piece of chicken and you can't cut it so you shove the whole dang thing in your mouth all at once? And then the cute guy sees you with chipmunk cheeks and food half out your mouth? And he stares at you like your part zebra, part whale, have a flashing afro on, and singing the words to Baby opera style? Then you get so embarrassed that you try to shove all the food in your mouth, only causing you to choke and cough like a drowning monkey?

Come on, we all have been there at one time in our life. Or is that just me?

It can't just be me.

Alright, it might just be me.

The reason why I bring this strange topic up is because this exact same thing happened to me today.

Fun huh?

And I was so close to getting his number!!

Ok so maybe I wasn't. I was mentally really close to, though! Yeah, that's what it was.

But hey, at least I didn't have soda come out my nose! I almost did, but he didn't know that!

Because that would have just been embarrassing. Nothing else though.

Gosh this is taking a long time to write because I'm trying to (unwillingly) practice tuba and type this on my iPod at the same time.

If any of you know what tuba music looks like (which about 98% of the world population doesn't) then you would know that it's like quarter notes and whole notes and the same five notes through the whole piece. Unless it's one of those rare occasions where I have the melody. But that's only happened once. Maybe twice.

Sorry for the boring lesson on tuba music. I think I might have killed a few people of boredom yet again 😱

Today I heard a song on the radio about a girl being killed in a car accident by running into a tree or something. It was the stupidest song in the history of stupid songs. And that's a pretty big history!

Just kidding stupid songs, I still love you 😘


I saw Catching Fire today! It was awesome! I was expecting more blood and gore though. But I absolutely can't stand blood and gore.

Why would I see a movie about killing people then??

Unicorns only know why.

I read the whole series like three or four years ago. But I obviously didn't remember a single thing except...... oops I probably shouldn't say anything from the movie incase people haven't seen it yet.

But I will say that Joanna was a flippin awesome character 😂

And Finnick was super cute. Gosh what's up with me and guys lately?

Perry The Platypus only knows.

But what wasn't awesome was that I had to use the restroom through most of the movie. Don't you just hate when large Icees do that to ya?

For Peeta's sake Crystal, can you not be so awkward for once?

Ok I think I blabbered on for too long again. Sorry, don't hate me!

🎤Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful!🎤

Speaking of beautiful, I'm wearing the awesomest long sleeve shirt with a lace back!

And, as always, it's black 😜

Just kidding, I'm not self absorbed like that.

Ugh I did it again! Ok bye before I say anything else!

(Pay no attention to any miss spellings, I blame auto correct and my horrible spelling skills.)

If your reading this, then comment your favorite kind of donut! Because I'm in a very random and donut-ey mood!

Tanks! 🍩


An Awkward Teenager

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now