Quick Quick Quick; 3/9/14

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Quick update because I slept in, so I'm missing part of church. And I'm leaving for church in like 20 minutes and I have to shower and eat and- blargh. Lol

I was trapped at home all day yesterday. And I will be today too, except for church. Normal weekend. Doing nothing except damn homework and being a lame loner 😒

Ok just talking about how crappy my weekends (and weeks) are makes me really mad again, so I'm gonna shut up! 😄

I may or may not have anger issues over stupid things like that.... jk

Well, that's it I guess. Sorry for the boring update.

Oh, and thanks Addy for the new cover for this book! Stitch is so cute 😁

Follow her! @BookPineapple

Adiós. (Is that how you spell it??)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now