Not So Average; 12/26/13

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Finally, done with that boring note at the beginning of the book! I think I might have killed a few people of boredom there........

Just kidding.

Well, welcome to my blog! Or journal. What ever you wanna call it. Just don't call it a diary. That makes me sound girly 😂

Ok one thing about me: I'm sarcastic. Like, all the time. People have told me that so many times and I think I might have offended some people because they thought I was serious when I was being sarcastic or joking. Just making that clear so I don't have to say "just kidding" after everything and I don't offend someone or what ever. Just a heads up.

Ok any who........

I have Waiting For Superman by Daughtry stuck in my head. It's a really good song though. Daughtry is a really good band all together.

Why am I talking about Daughtry??

Ok so I kinda had a theme planed out for today's entry thing, but that's obviously not going as planned.

Ok now I have Happily by One Direction stuck in my head o.o

Aghdjsjfnsjendkskajdnalkc One Direction is like 100000000000% amazing. Like, I can't even explain it. They are caring, funny, make me feel better, cheer me up, and all around good people. Not to mention they have amazing voices and are cute ❤😉 And that's only the beginning, but I'll save you from any rant about 1D.

If you can't tell, which I really hope you can, I'm a directioner. *No duh Crystal, I thought you hated them.* Kidding.

I am also MADLY in love with R5 <3333333333333

Well that was a retarded looking heart I just made.

And I love Emblem3!!!

Ok, I really need to shut up. I can't just talk about these three perfect bands. I don't think this blog would ever end.

Besides 1D, R5, and E3, I really like Simple Plan. If you know anything about Simple Plan, then you'd know there's a pretty big difference from them and the first three bands I mentioned. But I still love all of their music.

Sometimes I wonder what else my life is besides music. Oh ya, school. Flippin 5+ hours of homework every day of the week and staying after school and giving up my weekends and breaks and social life for some lesson I will never use in the real world or the next day.

Teachers just don't get it. Ughhhhhhh.

Sorry. Moving on.......

Who knows who Cameron Dallas is?? No one? You in the very back, no the guy next to you, yes you. You do? Yay your my new best friend! ✋-high five- Kidding.

But seriously, he is really funny. And nice. Not to mention hot. And I've only known about him for like two weeks 😄

How do I always get off to the topic of guys??

Well I guess I'm just gonna end right here. I didn't say anything about me or my life, really.

Ok I lied. I'm not ending right there.

Today was pretty boring. All I did was go to go to a funeral (where I was forced to wear a dress -.-) and then shoe shopping for my brother. My mom didn't get me awesome leather tennis shoe things I found!! 😭 Haha. But she bought me donuts after so it's all good.

Donuts are like gods, for real!

Wait what? Phhhhh I never said that! What are you talking about?

Oh I forgot, I also did like 2 hours of homework. Yay me.

Ok now I'm ending. Not lieing to y'all beautiful faces this time.

What? o.o

Sorry this was all over the place. It's getting late and I'm too lazy to edit this. Plus I'm under like 3 blankets in my bed right now so my sister or parents don't catch me on here because I'm supposed to be in bed. So I think I might have lack of oxygen to my brain under here.

Thanks so much for reading! ily! (In a friend way.) Oh ya and merry late Christmas! Hope you had a great Christmas!


A Not So Average Teen

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now