Concerts; 1/4/13

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I'm back! *says evilly* 😈


Sorry about the past few days, on 2nd I didn't have wifi or a computer to update on and yesterday's blog didn't save.

But I'm here now!


Sorry, I'm listening to Simple Plan and I LOVE this song 😜

So anywaysssss, what was going on in my life the past few days you ask?

Ok you probably didn't ask that but you were going to!


Well, I barely did anything except a TON of homework. It was totes not cool. *talks like a valley girl*

It's a joke between my friend and old friend. Lol.

Well the only other significant thing that I did was go to the movie theater. And not just any movie theater folks! *talks like an advertiser*

The movie theater that I went to (not gonna give out the name) had these huge leather reclining seats, at least two cup holders, and a table thing that you could pull out. I felt pretty rich sitting in there 😂

Oh ya, the movie that I went and saw was Walking With Dinosaurs. Not my first pick for a movie, but it was either that it JB's new movie. I think I made the right choice 😉

You know what I just noticed? Saw spelled backwards is was 😱

Wow, how did I just notice that for the first time?!

Well at least I've known for a while that race car spelled backwards is still race car! Do I get anything for that??

No? Ok, be that way 😑 Kidding.

In science one day me and a bunch of people had a long conversation about that kind of stuff.

It was funny.

And pathetic.

It was funetic!

New word for your dictionary right there.

Any who, onto what I did today!!

Well I slept in kind of late because I went to bed at 2:00 a.m. Then I did nothing until I realized I had less than an hour till I was supposed to be at my friend's house. So I rushed to shower and get ready and all that fun stuff. Haha

So at my friend's house we watched one and a quarter of a movie, almost broke her computer, ate a bunch of candy and noodles with Italian salad dressing on it (it sounds gross but it was pretty good actually), and made giant 3D snowflakes.

Wow, that all sounded pretty lame when I typed it o.o lol

Then I went home and had pizza with stuffed crust, which I haven't had in years.

Then my mom got pissed at me for not doing school work that I'm not required to do.

Typical mom. *sigh* What am I gonna do with her? Kidding

Now off to today's topic!

Here we gooooooo!

That was meant as a reference to a thing on a Disney Blue Ray DVD commercial, FYI.

Wow that was pathetic 😶

So today's topic is concerts.

Your probably thinking, "Oh, you've been to a concert before? Which one?"

Yeah no.

I haven't.

But that's not the point.

So it seems that almost all of my friends have been to a concert, and lots of them were concerts I wanted to go to.

I'm here like, "Well I've been to my sister's elementary school choir concert in a packed cafeteria! Boom!"

That's seriously like the closest thing to a concert that I've been to.

Because performances/plays on the Strip don't count.

Put me in the corner of shame. It's all right. Kidding o.o

I've had many opportunities to go to concerts though!

My parents are just super cheap.

Which explains A LOT.

Like when One Direction came here I couldn't go because my parents were gonna make me use my own money and I had none.

So I was one of very very few directioners at my school who didn't go and the only person out of my friends who like 1D that didn't go.

Then the same thing happened with Emblem3 when they came here. My parents made my use my money and I had none. Except this time I was way madder (is that a word?) when I couldn't go.

It's a long story that I'm gonna save you from hearing 😝

But I'll just say my mom kinda lied to me through the whole thing.

And then (I know I know, there's still more!) I had an opportunity to go out of state to go see R5 in concert. My parents made me use my money but this time I actually had some and could afford the super cheap tickets. I was desperate to go and see them so I offered to buy my mom's ticket too because I would need an adult with me. My dad was all for it but my mom wasn't. She was lecturing me about how it would still cost a lot of money for the gas, hotel room, food, etc.

So I couldn't go.

And now One Direction and Emblem3 aren't coming here on their 2014 tour.

Can I take a moment to ball my eyes out?


Ok thank you 😂

And R5 hasn't released U.S.A. tour dates yet, but I have a feeling they won't be coming here based on their contest thing they had.

Ok sorry that turned into a kind of rant type thing.

Ugh school is in one day!!! Kill me now!!! (Kidding) I'm already really stressed out!!!

But the good thing is that I get to skip parts of some classes for band concerts all next week 😅

But that's also bad because semester exams are the week after.

So either way I don't win.

Of course.

On a different note, I think I have a magazine/poster problem. I'll automatically spend $5+ on a magazine if it has some cute poster in it when I don't have anymore room for posters because I share a room.

I wonder about me sometimes. Haha

(Omfg my sister is snoring like a drowning pig that's vibrating right now. I wanna slap her so hard! Can I?? 😄)

Ok so shout outs!

Read @BookPineapple's books!! She has many including a blog like mine. She really wants more reads and her books are awesome!

Btw thanks Addy ( @BookPineapple ) for giving shout outs for my books! 😉

Well that's it for today! Hopefully this saves today! Stay beautiful! ✌️💜


A Teenager That Needs To Get Out More

(Man that's a long name 😂)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now