Bff Quotes; 1/7/14

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Tuesday! Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday!

That was off of Dog With A Blog.

Apparently my life isn't getting too far fast since I'm still quoting Disney.

*Tear* 😪 haha

Welllllll I'm going to do the same thing as yesterday because it was fun and easy 😉

So here I go! Again!

6:34 a.m.

I'm in the car on the way to school. Ya, I go to school this early. School for me starts at 7:00 because I go to a magnet school. I live like 30 minutes-1 hour away from my school also, so I wake up at 5:00 or earlier.

Curse me wanting to go to a magnet school!!

Oh well I like it better than I would like it at a non magnet school.

Did you know you use an average of 63 toilet paper squares in a day?

Awkward question, I know. But it was on the radio.

*Awkward silence*

Well gtg I'm at school byeeee.

8:45 a.m.

In first period ELA. I know yesterday I said that second period is ELA, but it's a block period for first and second period.

So yeah.

We are having to write part of an essay and read the same book 😑

Sooooooo boringggggg.


What am I doing?

Not even the owl off of that Tootsie Pop commercial knows.

And he's a genius!! Kidding

The same guy as yesterday tried taking my iPod again. But then he didn't for once.

It's a miracle! 😜

I have no idea what else to say so I guess I'll leave it there for now!

12:12 p.m.

I'm eating a donut!!! 😱🍩🍩🍩

If you know me then you know that I LOVE donuts!

I wonder what kind this donut is.....

Oh well it's edible and sweet and that's all that matters!!

And now I'm eating fudge! 🍫

Just pretend this is fudge and not a chocolate bar ➡️🍫

I wonder if I even have any other food besides sweet stuff o.o

Well I have a candy cane!

I'm gonna eat that 😄

Well I'm gonna be hyper in fifth and sixth period!

3:52 p.m.

I FINALLY left school!

Because I have to stay after on Tuesdays for math tutoring 😕

But it's the only way that my math teacher likes me and gives me good participation grades 😝

But she talks to me like I'm a dog -.-

But anyways!

It's 4:42 right now and I'm finally going home!

Because I had to go to my other best friend's dad's school that he's a principle at, after tutoring.

And I'm starving!!!!

And my best friend's dad won't get us a Slurpee or McFlurry today 😢 Lol


Now I'm even hungrier.

Why do you do this to me stupid donuts??

Just kidding donuts, I still love you 🍩😍🍩 *pets donut*

Well dat was cweepy...... 😳 Haha

Ok your probably wanting me to get on with the topic today already.

So I shall.

Or shan't I?

I'm sounding like Shakespeare now 😮


So I love quotes. Like, half of my camera roll on my iPod is just quotes.

Ok that's an exaggeration, but you get the point.

I just go on Google Images all the time and look up quotes for fun or to find a quote that I can relate to at the time.

So for today I'm just going to focus on quotes about best friends.

"Strangers think I'm quiet. My friends think I'm outgoing. My best friends know in completely insane!" -Unknown

"Best friends? Well I guess you could call us that but I think we're more like sisters." -Unknown

"She's my best friend, of course I'm going to tell her everything you just said." -Unknown

"My best friend is the only person who doesn't get tired of listening to my own pointless dramas over and over again." -Unknown

"We are best friends. Always remember that if you fail, I will pick you up. After I finish laughing." -Unknown

"Dear best friend, please stay in my life forever because your one of the best things to ever happen to me. Love, me." -Unknown

"Best friends: they know how crazy you are and still choose to be seen with you in public." -Unknown

"When my best friend isn't present in school: 5% I hope she's ok. 95% HOW DARE SHE LEAVE ME ALONE!" -Unknown

"Best friends are hard to find because the very best one is already mine." -Unknown

And I could continue the list of quotes forever!

Without my best friends, I would be no where at all!

They mean so much to me and I love them (in a friend way)!!

Dedicated to my two best friends Natalie and Addy!

Follow Addy @BookPineapple and read her books!

Off to do some more homework now. Thanks for reading!

Comment your favorite quote about best friends listed above or one not listed, or your best friend(s)'s name!



(I really can't think of any good names anymore!!)

Sincerely, A Not So Average TeenagerWhere stories live. Discover now