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I was alone in a room when I woke up after the girl took me to that house in London. She had told me that I had travelled here with my best friend and roommate. I can't even remember the guy's name. It was something common probably, like Michael. Maybe it was Michael. I really don't remember. I just really don't.

I stood up from the bed I was sleeping in and went to the window, it was closed and I had no idea how to open it, I barely remember how to open a door. My head is empty, nada. Just that my name is Jerome and stuff that had happened since the alleyway. Like meeting the girl and those boys, I can't remember anything else.

I walked up to the door I thought was the one to leave the room, I didn't really know since the room had about three different doors. But I went to it and took the handle thingy, trying to remember how you opened it. Was I supposed to put the handle up or down? I tried down and then pushing it, it didn't work, so I put it up, it still didn't move. So I knocked on it, I had no idea how to open it. I must be locked. 

"Can someone let me out?" I shouted through the door, hoping someone would hear me.

It took a few minutes until the door was pushed opened. 

"Why couldn't you open it?" the blonde guy who appeared in front of me asked.

"I don't know how to open it, it didn't open when I tried" I replied and he just raised an eyebrow before nodding towards the stairs. 

"The others are downstairs" he explained, I nodded while I tried to remember what the girl had said. She had mentioned the names of these guys. But everything was blank, I couldn't remember them.

I followed the guy down the stairs carefully, this could be set up by that girl. She was dodgy. But it could also be serious, because why wouldn't I believe it? I had nothing else to believe, I couldn't remember a thing about myself, I couldn't remember anything. 

"Jerome, are you alright?" the bearded man asked when I came into a room with some sofas. I nodded before carefully walking in. "Are you sure?" he asked again.

"Yeah, I'm good" I replied, looking between the different guys in the room. "But if I may ask, who are you?" I then asked them. 

"So he isn't fine?" the dark skinned boy asked.

"I'm feeling good, rested and such" I disagreed without moving from where I was, I didn't like new people and I didn't know these people. 

"Jerome, you can't remember who we are, and I bet you barely know who you are" the bearded man told me and I shrugged.

"You didn't ask what I knew, you asked if I was alright. And I am" I replied simply. "I mean, it's all empty in my head, but I feel fine"

"I'm just gonna start this. I'm Simon and this is JJ, my husband" the blonde guy who had led me down here told me motioning to the dark skinned man.

"I'm Preston, this is my cousin Landon" the short brunette said pointing to thee guy beside him. 

"Mitch" the other brunette said with a shrug.

"Lachlan, and the last one is Rob" the tall lanky blonde guy said, he was blonder than Simon. I just nodded, trying to remember all the names. Simon, JJ, Preston, Landon, Rob, Mitch, Lachlan, I think that was all. I hope it was.

Sherlock Minter vol 4Where stories live. Discover now