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Sofia hugged us all goodbye before she left for the night. I was the last one, she gave me a hug before breaking from it, holding my shoulders.

"Broken out from the prison" she said silently, leaving me confused, before she went to the door.

"Good night everyone" she spoke before leaving, not leaving me a chance to ask what she meant this time either.

I tried getting the two sentences together. "Time is nonexistence" and "Broken out from the prison". Maybe time was nonexistence in the prison. But what had the broken out part to do with it? I knew she wasn't saying random sentences to me, Sofia is a smart girl. We all know it. So she must tell me parts of something, thinking I will learn the story.

"CLUES!" I suddenly exclaimed, realizing what Sofia was doing. She was giving me clues about her story.

"What?" Mitch asked, giving me a expression as confused as his face.

"Nothing" I replied before running of to the guest room I was living in. I had my laptop there and I had to write the sentences down before I forgot them. They must be important.

After writing the clues down in a document I sat there trying to think. What did it mean? What could it mean. I suppose the prison could be her grave. She must've been there, where else would her body have gone? Who would've stolen it? And that must be what she got broken out off too, if she didn't mean that a criminal was getting broken out of prison, but that wouldn't make sense. Why would she tell me that? She's smarter than that.

Sherlock Minter vol 4Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin